RDruid/boomy LF guild

Hello my name is cntrl (control) i have been a previous mythic raider (not a hardcore one that goes for CE but just for fun in mythic we get the bosses down thats great! , i am currently looking for a new guild Alliance or horde doesnt matter to me. my previous experience was mythic up stormwall before 8.2 no crucible experience on mythic and 4/8M experience . im looking mainly for a guild that will be doing and completing ny’lotha on heroic if we get to mythic thats cool. currently my druid is 433 and will be going up once the new M+ takes effect.
currently i am looking for a guild that raids ANY time sunday, monday, or tuesday I CAN NOT MAKE ANY OTHER TIMES

Hey Demicntrl!

Mean Girls Squad would +love+ to add a Boomkin to our one night a week raid team! We raid Sunday 10:30p.m. to 1:30a.m. EST. This is a brand new team that will clear AoTC and plans to dabble in Mythic once Heroic is on speed farm, assuming we have the right people for the task.

Our original post: M+ Community w/ Sunday AOTC Team LF DPS!

i added you