Rdruid needs to be tuned. Please make Tranquility raid wide

It sure is fun. The rest of what you said I disagree on.

It is very fun. You should be able to main it without having to play boomy. IMO thats how it is in many raids.

If it brought something unique/impactful to the table, that wouldnt be the case.

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Rdruid looks so fun.

You never need to worry about having to raid.

Sorry I will see myself out.

I just make the hpala go ret.

Those numbers look like the basic 2/1/1/1 heal team everyone uses but with druids and shamans dpsing half the fights. Are you really missing out not healing razorscale, kolgarn, and the other easy encounters? If druids and shamans weren’t adding anything then why do most guilds bring them for the difficult encounters? Because they do add value.

Buffing restro druid also does not change the dps between ret, ele, and moonkin. How much tinkering is supposed to happen here?

The upper quartile scores are very close except for disc priest which is going to get better as a raid becomes more routine because of how shields work. The more you run it, the easier it is put them out at the right times. I’d be willing to bet when progression happens again disc numbers will go back down. And there can only be one anyways. The other 4 are so close its more about cd’s and how each class heals vs the damage patterns. Again there’s a reason most guilds have 2/1/1/1.

RDruids need more than a tranquility buff. They’re altogether poorly designed. WotLK healing is all about bringing people who are missing health back up to full HP in an instant. There is no place for HoTs that tick for 10% of a person’s max HP.

Except they aren’t.

in the last 2 weeks on Algalon:

Hpala - 36k parses
Disc - 21k parses
RSham - 13.6k parses
Rdruid - 9.7k parses.

This shows even disc that you only bring 1 of to each raid are brought more than 2x as much as rdruid. This isnt about Kologarn or Razorscale, this is about the true endgame bosses where we arent brought at even close to the rate of the healer you bring 1 of becuase they don’t stack.

On algalon you bring: 3.7 Hpala, 2.2 disc, 1.4 rsham for every rdruid.

I’d be happy if they fixed WG to work properly, but we are desperately missing a tank or raid-wide CD worth keeping an rdruid over making them boomkin or bringing another Pala for all their utility

Improved Tranquility talent could have something added to it.

Example improved Tranquility also causes tranquility to reduce damage taken by the raid by 10/20% for 6 seconds after Tranquility starts casting.

Wow, just gave them raid utility!

Is that how you did algalon the first time? The first few times? Because I didn’t see that happening on my server anyways. People are running 2/1/1/1 and then switching healers to dps once a raid is on farm. Talking about healing numbers isn’t even half the reason for this. The dps side matters as much as do raid cd’s and the type of healing needed on each encounter.

I think they were nerfed, or disc got crazy buffs at the end. I clearly remember them topping meters.

Yes I understand that at some point a healer needs to go dps as the fight gets on farm, but Paladins arent being asked to go ret, Disc arent being asked to go Shadow to dps because their strength of healing is so great and the raid/tank cds are such high utility.
Rdruid is being asked to covert to dps as we bring nothing unique in our spec that boomkin or feral don’t and our style of healing is slower in style and is massively overridden by a disc priests shields. Rsham also are asked to go dps, but at a slightly lesser extent.

I don’t need to be top of healing meters because I care only that the raid lives, but I don’t play a healer to play half my raid as a DPS because healing is so massively imbalanced.

I do remember in OG wrath topping the meters at times. Some fights are easier then others (IC HM for example and some fights in ToGC) for an rdruid to top meters when all of the healers are of equal skill.
The playerbase has also improved and made better use and understanding of how to maximize healing now which given the style of druid healing does impact us quite largely as a well-played disc or pala will (non-intentionally) really screw over a rdruids healing numbers.

Logs for the last week.

294,301 Holy pallys
172,025 Disc Priests
85,173 Resto Shamans
62,628 Resto Druids.

Druids are still performing behind Holy priests aswell.
Disc priests Minimum performance is ahead of Rdruids median performance.

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Bump 10 characters

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Pets love rdruids.

Never change.

Resto druid is hindered harshly by absorbs and splash healing. It’s niche is raid healing but the playstyle is blanket rejuv. You spend 10 gcds on rejuv to heal less than 2 casts of holy light or 2 powerword shields.

Wild growth is a waste of mana right now, it heals only pets. It should be the best heal druids have. It’s only purpose atm is to feed pets energy/mana.

Resto is a very fun spec and is currently so weak, you’ll just get asked to go boomkin.


Holy pallies and priest have better cooldowns and raid utility than us it’s understandable. It’s like asking your top player to play defense instead of scoring goals.

Can also be used in other more creative ways; ill let you think on that for a bit.

Sure. Why not.
I’d be down to be S-tier at least ones. Sure, whatever.

I’d love to get Ironbark - it’s like Barkskin but can be applied onto others.

I also love Efflorescence from Retail. Not the Cataclysm poop version.

I’m a full supporter of #MoreChanges.

If Blizzard decides to go complete psycho and revamp/balance everything, I’d be fully down for it. I understand that not everything was perfect, and Classic has the opportunity to “fix” some of those painpoints.

You aren’t properly timing your wild growth correctly. Bad resto Druids gonna be bad.

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