Ravenholdt and Syndicate Rep Bugged

Syndicate mobs in Hillsbrad Foothills and Alterac Mountains are not giving 5 reputation points with the Ravenholdt faction. Similarly, they are also not reducing reputation with the Syndicate Factions. I have tried killing every mob type with the Syndicate tag and none of them give any reputation.

I tried to kill a Ravenholdt mob to see if getting the Syndicate reputation bar would change anything - It did not. Now I am unfriendly with Ravenholdt and have no way to climb back to neutral without Syndicate mobs giving reputation.

Expected Result: Killing Syndicate affiliated mobs should give 5 reputation points with Ravenholdt and reduce Syndicate reputation by 25
Actual Result: No reputation points are gained or lost with any faction upon killing a Syndicate affiliated mob.

They didn’t give rep until something like patch 2.3…not sure how you can get back to neutral now if you made the mistake of killing a ravenholdt member off… course could be wrong and it could be a bug.