Ravenheim- 3/8H looking for DPS for Weekend

Welcome in traveler! Grab a pint! :beers:

Want to be a viking? or maybe a shield-maiden?

About Us :open_book:
We were founded during Season 3 of Dragonflight when we got tired of cliques and red tape when it comes to playing this game. We offer a little bit of something for everyone who calls Azeroth home whether you are a raider, key runner, mount collector and beyond.

Goals :checkered_flag:

We focus each tier on AOTC Raid , KSM M+ and some Mythic raiding. We have never and will never make Cutting Edge our primary goal. We are all of the mind that ‘progression with friends’ is fun.

We Offer :fist_right: :fist_left:

*Raid Team Sheild - Tuesday / Thursday 9pm - 11pm EST
*Raid Team Sword- Sundays 8:30-11p EST
*Community Hang outs- Monday/Saturdays 9-11p est
*Monthly Contests
*Inclusive, Sodium-free Culture

Recruiting Needs: :crossed_swords:


Team Shield: 3/8H Undermine (1/8M NP)
Goal of quick AOTC and some mid-mythic prog

  • Tanks: Full
  • Healers: Full
  • DPS: 1 Ranged DPS

Team Sword: 5/8N
Normal/ Heroic focused with the goal of AOTC

  • Tanks: Full
  • Healers: Full
  • DPS: Melee or Ranged

Mythic+ Push Groups:

  • Tanks: Medium
  • Healers: High
  • DPS: High

We are also welcoming of social/casual players

Recruiting - Böundless (Discord: boundless828)

We’re brushing off the dust from our holiday vacation and we’re back in full swing.

We are also always on the look out for M+ runners and social members as well.

Discord: Boundless828

Happy Friday!!

We’re looking for an evoker ( Aug or Dev) and a couple ranged DPS to round out the raid team.

Discord: Boundless828

Quick Tuesday Bump-

Still looking for a couple ranged DPS for season 2.
Social members are always welcome to join as well.

Discord: Boundless828

Bump before season 2:

We are currently building a second team!
Team Sword will raid on Sundays from 8-10p est (server). This is a normal/heroic focused raid with an end goal of AOTC.
We are currently recruiting all roles for this team!

Discord: Boundless828

Saturday bump,

Team Sword is filling up fast. Only 1 healing spot available( any spec) and a couple dps spots open (ranged preferred) This team will be normal/heroic focused with the goal of getting AOTC by the end of the season.

Discord: boundless828

Sent you a note on discord. Thanks!

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Quick Thursday bump!

Team Sword currently has a full roster!
Team Shield is looking for a couple ranged DPS

Always on the look out for M+ and social members!

Discord: Boundless828

Happy Season 2 my friends!

Team Sword (Sundays) is currently looking for a couple DPS, no specific class needed.

Team Shield (Tu/Th) is looking for a couple ranged DPS

Discord: Boundless828

Quick bump with some updated needs for the teams:

Sheilds is looking for a DH, Evoker and an experienced healer

Swords has a couple spots open for DPS

Discord: Boundless828

Quick bump!

Looking for some experienced DPS for our Tu/Th team.

Discord: Boundless828

Team Shield is looking for 2 ranged DPS
Team Sword is looking for DPS

Social and Key runners are always welcome!

Discord: Boundless828

Its Almost Friday!

Team Swords which raids on Sundays from 8:30-11p est is looking for some more dps to round out the raid team! All classes welcome, all experience levels are welcome. Team is currently 5/8N after their first raid night :slight_smile:

Casuals/Social members are always welcome to reach out!

Discord Boundless828 :slight_smile:

Team Sword is looking for DPS

Discord: Boundless828 :slight_smile: