Rather curious about Jaina

Also note that time in the game isn’t linear to our time – AT ALL.

Reference: When you do the DK Legendary intro for Legion, the story tells you that “it’s been 2 years since the events of the Lich King.”

I was like TWO YEARS??? It’s been almost TEN!!! lol

Jaina is def still in her prime. :wink:

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Nah, I don’t think it’s sexist at all. Like I said, she isn’t getting any younger.

She’s a dreadlord and as such is eternal

Maybe dreadlords need loving too?

from Imgflip Meme Generator

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You know the timeline in the WoW universe from Classic to about BFA is only like 10 years. Right now she would easily be mid 30’s, plenty of time.

You prob misread it, or the dialog writer is just don’t know what they’re doing.
Anduin in WOTLK is a literal toddler.


There was no mistaking that line, as I jumped out of my chair when I heard it.

I don’t know how to properly access the line to prove it, but I am 100% certain about this; especially as I have referenced it over the years and other people have confirmed it.

edit to add: Also remember, once we get to Legion and meet Nomi again, he’s grown up.

But LiLi hasn’t grown up.

Bro… it’s a VIDEO GAME. It’s NOT REAL. Blizzard’s inability to make ONE CONTINUOUS TIMELINE in an effort to just thrown around words and call it a story isn’t my fault when I notice it.

I think the GENERAL OBSERVATION that the game does NOT follow linear time in correlation to us is all that needs to be agreed upon.

Why aren’t you saying this about other NPCs who are much older than her, like for instance, Baine (He’s around the same age, but still), Mekkatorque, Khadgar, etc.? (Yes, I know a spell backfire “aged” Khadgar up to look like an old man, but he’s still in his 40s.)

Oh. I know why, but I’m not gonna say why. You do the math.

Why not the rest of them either? War is hell. Be a family man/woman.