Rate the transmog above you

9/10. Overall a really well put together shaman look.


Already rated you, so someone skip me and rate Garusk!

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candle gnom


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8/10 I’m a sucker for purple, and like the eng theme. Right on.

Feel free to rate me low, I’m going through the awkward gear swap in zm atm. :smiley:

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Lookin good except for the boots and the weapon. Don’t think they go with your overall look. 7.5/10


Already rated you; please actually skip me this time and rate the person above me.

Christabel — looks amazing! You matched it well with the bow (grats on that) and she just FEELS like a hunter. 10/10



I love it :3

evil candle 9/10

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9/10. The helmet kinda throws it off, but otherwise a very solid feral worgen set.

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8.2/10 cool color theming with a nice frostwolf-y shaman type aura to it

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This is exactly what a Goblin warlock would look like. 9/10

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This is exactly what a rogue should look like. 10/10


10/10, for making a Hunter actually look good. :smiley:

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Building the mog around a damn candle! :candle:

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Meh… A bit dry for a druid set. Its nice, but bland. 7/10

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Transmog should be removed from the game

@Sarique 3/5 I’d give you a solid 4 but I’m really not digging the weapons personally, bit too big or flashy for the general look.
@Allibankalt I…Disagree


Mostly just a heritage set, but looks relatively nice. Also, just ignore All, he’s a troll.

Edit: How is your guild name not forced changed?

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Because most people don’t get that offended by words