Rate the transmog above you (Part 1)

@Sephariel nice mog! 8/10. Traditional.

8/10, well put together and good matching.

Actually funny, 8/10.

Mine’s not just a thotfit, I’m going for an OG night elf sentinel look.

It’s basically a full set but I still like it 6.5/10

Ah, you’re a purple troll. I like purple. The blue lights are pretty nice touch as well. We trolls gotta work hard to look great, and you succeeded.


Ah, a real shame my enhancement on my staff doesn’t show here. It makes it darker.

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This is a really good mog. I love it. 10/10

(The only critique I would have is it doesn’t feel like a druid or troll mog but I like it so much I don’t care.)

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well matched and texture rich, 10/10

mine is just the soridormi cloth time rift stuff, minus the belt, chest, gloves, cloak. not happy with the belt

Eh, 4/10. It’s 5 items, 3 of which are from the same set.


I love purple. :3

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Whoa girl!

They need to put speedbumps on the buffet line to slow you down!


Love the color scheme with the black and gold and you are also using my favorite tabard and weapon from my favorite expansion


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Skimpy mog that maintains a color scheme. 10/10

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its good except the belt. i like the coppers and aquas. 9/10

Random shoulder spikes 7/10

lol yeah i just noticed how the texture is wrong.


The shield kinda throws me off; maybe from another angle it looks better. But the rest looks really cool.


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Haven’t done one of these in years… feeling nostalgic.

I like the use of the tabard! A few too many different saturated accent colors going on here for my personal tastes, but I also recognize that that’s probably part of the intentional look, so I can appreciate it on an objective level. 8/10!

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10/10 great mix of blues and purples.

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i dont like the shoulders too much but anything that works with the scythe of elune is a plus in my book!

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love the shimmery gold of shoulders and weapon! should find chest/legs/helm with similar fx.

so skimpy, love the belt. 9/10

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