Rate the transmog above you (Part 1)

9/10, the armor, while I get it’s supposed to be gold, comes through as more yellow.

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7/10 so many clashing colors.

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Crazy. Def a 4/5 on the crazy scale.

To be fair its less drab brown seen from other angles.

8/10 not a big fan of the drab boring brown look.

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i am not a fan of full sets hehe 8/10

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I like it, and I’ve never seen somebody using this set, but it’s still basically a full set. So 6/10

Cute mog. Kinda scary but cute. 10/10

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9/10, the tabard throws it off a bit with the gold.

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I’m not sure what i’d call that but I definitely like it. It’s mostly the same set I guess though but those shoulders and boots both from nighthold/en match really well. 9/10.

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10/10 Looks really great!


@Alfvin Looks good except 1 thing. The Yellow on your leggings just kills the vibe. I get the idea but you go from a cool blue frost look to this harsh yellow. 8/10 Not going to kill the score though.

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/sneaks over and steals your tabard hehe

cooool. need different bow.

(Skip me for the next vote) What bow would you use then? This one was the best colored I could find to match the armor look.

<— Moonlyt is my Hunter.


Hm. 6/10.

I like the set, but given the virtue of being a set - and a very visibly aged one at that - I can’t go higher.

red version

effective for fiery dragon look. 10/10

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to Victorian era for me. 4/10

Simple, coordinated, easily passes my “I could see this as a character’s look in a superhero comic” test. 9/10.

@Madmargret: profile hidden, couldn’t rate.

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Feels a little plain to me.

In other news: New toon, new look.