looks amazing with obsidian skin tones and smokey purple. 10/10
9/10 I like the coloring.
(I forgot I haven’t remogged the chestpiece.)
tasteful. love the blue undershirt but its not listed on armory. what is it? 10/10
8/10 good transmog.
I like the simplicity but I can’t say im a fan of the color or the helmet, 7/10
Simple yet elegant and the colors match pretty well.
Got style yet still looks fearsome ngl could be the prince Im looking for.
Kind of plain but not bad. 7/10
Very dark, 9/10, just not sure it fits a mage with such dark colors.
nice mog. good coordination. 10/10
as far as how dark my robe is, that is just the lighting on the rift screen. its actually a nice tan khaki with forest green inset and gold armor plates/gold trim. it was one of the sea-related robes from bfa.
8/10 I like the commoner look.
I’m going for a Diablo style angelic warlock look with this one
8/10. Overall a well put together set, just not one that feels very warlockish.
Very shaman, 8/10.
Good use of color and comparative simplicity in design, even matching your face paint to the colors. Really works for the paladin aesthetic.
Raging blood queen. Redefines that-time-of-the-month savage. 8.5/10
Going big on that bulk and horde aspect, I can respectfully give this an 8/10
Great style/color coordination and you’d be fearsome in battle. Anyone who tried to knock your glasses off to get an advantage would get nailed by a burning axe and a bunch of spikes. 9/10
beautiful. love the tailored look. 10/10
It’s very sleek. I have no complaints. 10/10