Rate the transmog above you (Part 1)

ty ty was trying to do a mog with mop umbrella and rice farmers hat but its complicated lol. if i were you, i’d try to get actual red to match shoulders, tats and weapon, rather than orange tinged with red. maybe that black and red set…forget what expac.

anyway, 9.9/10

oh nvm. its rogue set

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8/10 shoulders seem out of place.

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better? changed the shoulders, helm and weapon.

your char is adorable. 10/10

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10/10 looks like orange wonder elf.


not bad bread, its a good set, matches well, almost mistook it for a set.

7/10 there’s something about it i don’t quite like.

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Never been crazy about the Arachnidian Regalia set. 4/10

Nice dark color combo. I actually believe this is a successful Tauren rogue.


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I like the overall dark vibe, looks pretty cool! 8/10



I like your bone look. Everything goes together pretty good.


8/10 the scythe seems out of place.

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well, um, hehe. you’re the sunniest dk i’ve seen lately. its a …10/10
fav part is the hat.

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8/10 blue orbs seem to be a bit off for it.

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Very plain, but it works, 8/10.

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Looks like an orc who scraped together a bunch of leather scraps from some refuse pile.

So traditional orc garb


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Set pieces 5/10

set pieces??? I have 2 set pieces only.


Very paladiny. Not crazy about the tabard, but I love the glasses.

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eek the glasses are great. 10/10

at first i was gonna say why red face markings, then i saw it on your tunic bands and your vine necklace. slightly different shade but still works fine. 10/10


Simple, elegant, and not derivative of other elf defaults. Could use a dash more color, but that might just be me. 8/10.