A nice soothing green that ~aside from the staff has a nice, smooth style.
the blue / white theme on chest, gloves and helm, would look even better with blue/white legs and boots. 9/10
I dig it.
9.5/10 I like it, but very green.
I miss the old armory, not much detail on this one.
weellll thats skimpy. hehe it all matches though the staff is a bit too big, wonder what race they designed it for. certainly not most alliance races as our tallest (draenei and night elves) cant be locks. 9/10
Very blue and purple, fits a mage, 10/10.
you going for streamlined? cuz these old boots i’m wearing, from tbc, are leather. and are slim. 9.8/10
here they are with the tbc set on the old tbc blood elf model, prior to the wod update,
10/10 please rate my awful transmog.
its great! 10/10
9/10, all matches well aside from the weapon, it fits the theme, just a bit too bright of a white compared to the rest of the outfit.
I don’t do point-5s, so it was either 9 or 10.
Nice job.
I like how you matched your hair to the tattooes and kept a very subtle pale dark green theme all the way through.
EDIT: Ew. Trading Post items aren’t coming through on Armory yet. I’ll rate myself - 6/10, at least until emergency Armory maintenance reveals Irridescent Warclock and Rosy Scarf.
snazzy. love the waist and staff. gonna look cool with the scarf and cloak, 10/10
Ah a student of a the Kirin Tor I see, 10/10.
EDIT: RIP no trading post items. I do have the Rosy Scarf and Rosy Cloak on.
Very impressive. The coloring of your set matches your night elf well. It just fits and stands out. I could see a unique night elf npc wanting to sport this look. Well done.
9/10, very simplistic, but it works.
nice and rustic. 10/10
Very nice.
Very monk, like the colors, 10/10