Rate the transmog above you (Part 1)

You look like an Undead Night Elf. Nice and spooky 10/10.

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I dig the synergy of the fel tatts and weapons. The disembodied hood and floaty shoulders kinda distract from it tho. 8.5/10 great work.

those weapons are gorgeous, 10/10

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8/10 cool overall. Pants don’t work as well as the rest does.

the colors match up in a nice way, you got the hunter them goin.
i’d replace the boots myself, but you are definitely doin good.

so snazzy 10/`10


Telegraphing your job description so hard that Illidaray Charles can see you run with the cool mages from half a world away!
10/10 for symmetrical and thoroughly codified Arcane knowledge.

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The glasses are terrific, you def look related to Chromie. I had to check your class as you look more like a school teacher than someone that deals in fel magic, haha The weapons fit.
I think youre super cute so 10/10

Cool! 8/10

hehe, your reviews are always verbose and comical, also, i agree with evawyn, you look like chromie :+1:

yep, yep. love the staff. where’d ya get it? 9.5/10

well that hat looks better on forsaken than other races. is that a full set? i cant tell. 10/10

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Yes. No shame. Lol.

9.5/10, all flows pretty well aside from the shoulders, honestly feels like they might have a bit too much purple instead of being an accent color like the other pieces.

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That’s our noble guildmaster. Nothing goes wrong under her: her speeches are seldom over three hours at worst… looks around nervously

Anyway, onto Anthon…
Tell me. Is it something that the Lich King did to Frosti Bois like you. I mean to make you want to go off an skin an Old God for your Harness. I mean, is it the seasonal thing?

Teeth > spikes? Dentists > Armourers?

I suppose I’m not one to judge, all ‘red in tooth and claw’ and all that nonsense.
As such, I can’t fault a knight who can bite someone with every square inch!
10 descalings with a greataxe /10


i like your robe and shoulders but the weapons kinda dont have sympatico.
this maybe? because its more elegant but maintains the fiery glow

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9/10. You look like you’re ready to fight some mythical gods

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solid. 7/10.
i think the weapons are the only issue. looks orange instead of your red theme.

Heh. I dig it. 9/10

I’m gonna give this a 7/10. It’s a very interesting color palette that I haven’t seen before, but it is just an entire set and the weapon doesn’t quite fit IMO.

8.5/10, like the theme, just some of the darker colors clash with the red parts a bit too much imo.

10/10. beautiful void elf dk.