Rate the transmog above you (Part 1)

Oh very tough looking. Love the weapon! 9/10

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you’re glowing! 10/10



You made me go, “Ooooh, preeeeettyyyy.”

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I really like the new warlock set (because of the bunny ears, I will not lie) and I think that weapon is a solid color match. 9/10

PS I didn’t realize this thread was like, going on three years old!

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This look is called, wishing it was autumn in June. I also switched my chad bear to brown :teddy_bear:

Nui, the perfect monk. Love the red eye patch. Really compliments the look. 9/10



Sexy, Druidy, and fits a Night Elf perfectly.

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I generally tend to avoid numerical scales, but I guess it’s tradition here. 8/10.

It’s a consistent design and colour scheme and I like the weapon, though I can’t tell if there’s a particular theme in mind.

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While I can respect something leaning more towards simplicity, this is too reliant on a singular set. Mixing it up with something more than the Legion Class Hall set would benefit this greatly. The belt and staff alone aren’t enough to differentiate it from what Blizzard already put together, and I can’t give much credit for that.


shush to tell you the honest truth…It’s just a mog, not the real armor…duh~

I ain’t no Man/Male- A mog is like a costume not the real stuff… are you related to Chaox you have the same answers…Can’t think of anything clever to say on your own?

If 90% of your transmog is hidden, is it really a transmog?

its perhaps TOO nice of a mog. hehe! i mean, you look great. maybe too great? who knows. i like it but yer tootsies need like sandals or something.

you look classically scary. your mask is effective in dressing it up but perchance your actual forsaken would look even spookier? 9.999/10

front/back better lighting than armory


I’ll let someone else rate your mog, but I really like it.

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Interesting. Haven’t seen that helm before. Not a fan of the lack of shoulders but that’s just me. 7/10.

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8/10, would benefit from a hat

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8/10 I like that armor set.

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Looks like you were skipped.

I think your mog is really creative and bonus points for coming up with something truly unique. 10/10

I love your look. It’s also unique. However, I don’t get the belt. It’s really out of place. 9/10


I’ve been told this set is good however I trust this thread more however if you think it can be improved please let me know.
As for person above feels like warrior set for me but you are going with sunwalker theme and for that I’ll give it 8/10

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This by far is creative mog well done.

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