Rate the transmog above you (Part 1)


Mostly a set, coupled with a bad attitude.

I’m usually against skipping, but we’ve just got a troll here.


I always loved that Warlock set. I think some of the newer glasses from the barber shop would suit you better though!

Can’t rate you because you’re a Classic character.

That’s okay. I’ll rate you in that case if you’d like.

If you wouldn’t mind. :smiley:

Sure, it’d be my pleasure!

Classic character / 10

9/10. Really good old school druid. I don’t judge the old textures because it’s consistent all around.

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Already rated you, so skip me and rate Garusk! :smiley:

Wonder if some folks could also be dears and help clean out the trolls we seem to have tonight.

Garusk got skipped, so please rate them next!

I really, really like your look. Good job. 10/10

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Ulduar Warlock stuff is simply just so overused but there’s less of it now days. But the mix up of Cataclysmic gladiator goes well. I’d say you were lucky with the more modern items you’ve used, they blend well. I just think the boots do not goes into the blend too well, something with more “pop” would function better. So I’d recommend one of those pair of boots with steel rigging that pops out instead of just a color skin.



You’re adorable and I love it.

@Greta 9.5/10 Colors all match and the set looks good on you. Very much like I would expect someone wanting to be stealthy to look. Only thing zapping that .5 is it’s mostly a tier set I’ll expect the same zap for my rating. But still a very nice look.

Quick question to Candi why are you posting over and over? Isn’t the idea of these to let new people in to vote on each other rather that have 1 person giving a score to everyone else? Not trying to be rude just seen you post alot.


Well, it is kind of rude to skip someone, since you could have rated both of us if you didn’t want to just rate me. :stuck_out_tongue:

And someone has to keep this thread alive and moving. Bursts of activity, that keep the thread moving for a day or two, are rare.

Really don’t want to review Candi again (And she’s literally every other post in this thread…), so I’ll review Asheru:

Head throws it off a little (Tier set color of that model might fit better), but I do like the way the gloves match the shoulders, like your arms are trees. That said, the chest does break it up a bit, but not enough to really bottom out the score.


@Daanea - 9.5/10. This is really well matching. The shoulders even give something of a wing vibe–like a hunter who is light on their feet! I took half a point off because while it is perfect from your knees and up, there are some additional colors to the boots/pants that I think can be swapped out for better.

@Candikorn - 8/10. You’ve matched those reds perfectly, blended the browns and golds well, and the candle on your head is top-notch. That said, your gloves do not match the other colors, the weapon does not fit thematically, and the blue in the belt buckle does not fit–so I took off a couple of points.

I like both mogs :slight_smile:


8.5/10, while I see why the helm, and it’s close, the fiery orange on the horn parts throws it off a slight bit.


10/10 I am not going give a detailed response but I like the set and think it fits the night elf model. Don’t really have any complaints

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