I’ve just always loved this style you went with on Corpsepetal: it’s simple yet majestic. 10/10.
I couldn’t recall what I used to go with transmog-wise when paired with Lionheart Executioner, but I was wanting to transmog with it… so, I stole 90% of this from what a low level Kul Tiran warrior of mine is wearing along with the heroic version of Shin’ka.
I firmly believe that if you’ve got it, flaunt it, and Pandaren have more than the average to flaunt,
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The black/yellow theme you have going on is interesting and different but I’m not sure the mix of 17-year old pixels and new pixels really work. Overall not bad. 8/10
Moooove over for this hot Tauren!
9/10, one point deducted for looking nothing like Grommash
8/10, because I just like it for some reason.
Edit: Updated my transmog since making this post to match the new Chinese New Year mount.
10/10 because you look awsome.
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I love the roman legionnaire vibe you have going on.
I see what you’re going for and it’s a unique mog but it’s not as good as your previous mog. 7.5/10
I respect a good monk transmog. This particular one fits the awkward female tauren body well - no personal offense to you of course. Truth is I’m a huge fan of the tauren. I digress though, I like the color and the matching weapon is a very nice touch. Solid 8/10.
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5/10 basically just the stormheart set. Makes me want a Chicken and Beef sammy though so now 6/10
If you’re going to hide your profile, please link your Armory.
Try looking now. didn’t realize I had it hidden lol
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Solid transmog.
Almost all of the parts are from different sets which is nice, and you kept the green/grey/brown colors going which is also nice.
8 out of 10, gloves could use some work but they aren’t bad. keep up the good work.
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I like this Lock mog. It’s very “dark” druid esque.
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It looks like you’re wearing two different mogs (top half is aqua/red and bottom half is gold) but I like it anyways. The way you matched your shoulders to those fist weapon is pretty damn cool. 9/10
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I’m liking the look and I’m a sucker for green. Goes well with the character shading as well. 10/10
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