Like the blue theme. 8/10
It’s…just…well…all over the place.
Maybe a little too structured
The goggles and shoulders don’t go with the rest of your look. 5/10
The tabard clashes with the look
Shoulders I got in Torghast and the boots came with the outfit…Blame Blizzard tyia. Put the shoulders that go with outfit on. Hope this to your approval…
Simplistic, but I can appreciate it.
This DKaren does not want to see the manager.
She slaughtered the manager, then THEIR manager, THEN the regional rep.
Last I saw she was heading for HQ with that Bigass axe and a list of demands…
Adorable. 9/10
It really screams “Horde Shaman” to me.
That’s a solid DK right there. It’s kind of lacking a “Wow!” factor for me, but I also can’t think of much that I’d actually change on it.
I love your look!
Looking sharp, ready for the return to the office!
10/10 for holiday spirit
7/10 for a hunter
Really pretty, but you’re just wearing a set.
Love it. 10/10
10/10 especially the weapon.
Female taurens are… different though lol
It’s pretty, but it’s mostly a set.
I prefer mixers over sets and you have done a great job simple and ummm “wowlike” .
I don’t particularly like your mog but it is interesting and unique. 9/10