Rate the transmog above you (Part 1)

10/10. This mog is made of gold and I love gold.


You look like the smallest pimp of them all: but never mess with your money! 8/10


Wow, 8/10 for sure. Good mog, good race and very nice ilvl. Maybe 6/10 though cause I think you have argued with me before.

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you look like azshara with hooves. :smiley: pants would be nice but you’ve tied it all together so nicely! 10/10

p.s. hat is cool

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I don’t remember arguing with you unless it was an Alt :stuck_out_tongue: but arguing is a form of flattery to clash conflicting ideas.

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Shadup y’ll look great 6+ now rate me! NOW!

Your a Blood Elf so I have to deduct some points but I love the color blue, and your hair is so emo I dig it. 8/10


very nice! could use some pants but still very nice! 10/10


Some points? before or after the 8/10 tanky btw=) cutie NElf Hunter


Before the 8/10, and your welcome=) but If I see you in open world and war mode is on I have to send an aimed shot your way and Webbie will attack you. He is my pet spider.

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I see no Spider named Webbie Only BEE!

/NM I see Webbie now the Green one. I had to search.

I had to give him a break because some ogre headed buffoon tried to eat him:/ BEE is helping me out until his wounds are healed.

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seems you were skipped
9/10. hat seems outta place with rest of set.

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Ty, it’s my favorite hat idk why.

Your outfit is really cool and so is your hair. 9/10 because your name and heal spec and your are also an alliance comrade. Now I need to shut up and stop bumping the thread lol


Vîtamîns; 10+ Watcher’s Tunic =)


wow. shiny. hehe
10/10 was gonna ding ya a point on the boots but you tied it to weapon and it has that same style as the rest.

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9/10, nice and simple I like it

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a bikini worgen! ya know what would be cool, if they let you have blue hair like my color. would look amazing on a worgen!
everything matches except shoulders and they are super close. need those in blue like your bikini. 9.9999/10

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10/10 the blues go really well together.

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:sparkling_heart: beautiful. 10/10
only time i’ve seen someone use that staff. if its the one i think, is it from the wod ogre raid? forget the name

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