I’m into it, suits your class and race well. Chest is throwing me a little bit, 9/10 Well done!
(on mine my weapon is glowing blue, should be red, not sure why enchant isnt updated)
I’m into it, suits your class and race well. Chest is throwing me a little bit, 9/10 Well done!
(on mine my weapon is glowing blue, should be red, not sure why enchant isnt updated)
really dig the blood knight aesthetic I just wish it had a little more variety in the pieces 7.6/10
The outfit of a frost DK. The glasses seem a little out of place for the set, yet still works.
That looks pretty good! at first I thought it was a full set but it seems like a combination of legion pvp gear and WoD pvp gear. 9/10, looks good for a mage as well.
Went for a witch doctor-ish paladin look. I have no idea how that would go but gave it a shot. Weapon enchant makes the weapon match more and it isn’t showing here.
Oh I wasn’t criticizing, was just being silly. It looks great!
I will never wear more than three of a same set, and most of the time two at best. Only exception ever is my DK because it just looks smashing!
I think you are absolutely beautiful! 10/10
I think it’s very simple and basic overall but it looks pretty good. A little too simple for me honestly but not bad. 7/10.
Went for an old god paladin themed transmog
I resent the implication that the Dragonmaw Clan is Old God-associated! 0/10!
But 7.5/10 without the tabard.
Dude I know I just can’t find any good semi dark red/silver tabard to go with the mog. Everything matches but the dang tabard, will have to find something. To rate you real quick though, 9/10 I like it a lot.
Rate Keldar and skip me if you want just responding
insert reply here
“I’ll be back”/10
Creative mix of different sets, comes together nicely. I like it. Feel like there’d be a better sword option though, your armor doesn’t scream “rapier duelist” to me. 9/10 total.
Nothing about my mog would point towards it, but I’m a gentleman and the gentleman’s weapon is the rapier
That said, I love the heavy metal deep purple!
I like that, looks very good. The staff is a good option for that set. 9/10.
Went for a corrupted old god horde paladin look. Weapon enchant is Berserking, isn’t showing on armory.
7/10 I like it, but odd tho
It’s a full set so there isn’t really much creativity there. I usually take off for that in most cases so ill do that here. The boots aren’t part of the set but they don’t match imo. The weapons don’t really match much either, so 4/10 I think.
You look like a troll suffering from dwarfism. I’m just teasing. It’s actually quite interesting.
Wait, I just looked closely and you’re wearing 5 Windfury pieces. Might as well be a full set no? Or did you change xmog since your post above?
I forgot to change the mog to what I wanted and logged off in this set accidentally, haven’t gone back on to change it so I’ll give myself -5 for lack of creativity!
:hug: 10/chars
Its decent feels a lil plain tho 7/10