You look like a blind lone assassin with a compelling backstory.10/10
You look like a really scary alien who wipes people’s brains and then turns them against people.
You get a dwarf out of 10 from me.
Real rating would be a 9/10. Definitely reminds me of the Dwarven mountaineers. I’m not a huge fan of the chain helm (due to its age unfortunately), and the gun feels slightly out of place compared to the rest of the mog. Though I do like that gun, and appreciate a dwarf using a gun over a bow.
Ya definitely look like a orc hunter. Your transmog makes you look like an orc who is ordered by a horde commander that has to go track down an elite alliance member.
The top looks fantastic . However I don’t agree with legs, gloves, and pants. Good effort.
Finally a tabard that looks good with the xmog. I like this. Pity there’s not more items with accents of that shade of red. Definitely a nice xmog,
huge fan of the t-mog.
not a fan of the voild elf look, personnally i would go to the barber shop ,change that purple skin for the high elf tone and change those purple eye for either light blue or literally yellow/orange to fit the light theme
…What is that helm? No, why is that helm? More importantly, what’s with the plastic looking sword?
I wasn’t expected to be caught off guard like this. Ummm…
Makes me very nostalgic towards the wrath days. Nice mog.
Though not my favorite colors, there’s good color patterning, and the gear detailing doesn’t overload the eye.
Solid 8/10. Higher if the colors had been more to my liking (purely personal choice ofc).
It doesn’t particularly make me feel anything, but it doesn’t look bad either.
Everything is better with red.
I know you are wearing mostly a set, but I really like your look. The Trial of Valor set pieces for Mail just looks so good.
I like the candle. Might make something for my priest with the WoD blackrock set utilizing that.
I don’t dislike it, but it feels too busy to my eye for some reason.
Cute 10/10, you’re like the cute little demonic research assistant for a Holy Church.
There’s something about a DH in plate that doesn’t sit right with me, and that’s what that set looks like. But we’re not rating xmogs based on that criteria so I give it an 8.5/10. You matched it all up well both color and texture without using too much of the same set. Would have been higher if you had a chest piece. I know that’s not really a DH thing but again we’re rating xmogs here.
edit - also I will add that I have a DH and know how extremely limited our options are for xmogs so kudos
I’ll go 9/10. As someone who hates Elves. I see what you’re going for and you nail it… but that hat is just too old.
Already rated you;
Skip me and rate Keldar!
It’s so freaking cute! I love the candle on the head! The colors are very balanced. I love the weapons.
Very green and druid, only thing is, weapons in the armory are orange, not sure if that is how they are in game, or if it’s an artifact bug where they show the default version, 9/10.
Really wish Blizz would make of the Shattered Sun account wide so I could use it with this mog.