Rate the transmog above you (Part 1)

I could see your boots sticking out from under a house. 8/10 for the wicked warlock



Argent Dawn, I dig it.


Don’t let the haters drag it down for being a set.
Argent Dawn/Crusade Spacefarer! 10 orbital strikes / 10

Edit: Whoops. Add the usual 16 candles / 10 for Candi.


One of the best rogue mogs I have seen, plus the title!



The name, the aesthetic… <3
I know what you play on your phone when you are all alone.
Fate Grand Order 3rd Ascension Gilgamesh? :rofl:


10/10 :smiley: you remind me of a medieval fantasy character for sure, but I also don’t see many mogs and hairstyle combos like yours.

Edit: Ouch. Got skipped. :heart:


I am a sucker for “normal” transmogs over flashy ones.
My only comment would be to replace leggings due to color matching issues and boots. I really like slick boots, without that wide fold thingy below the knee.

My tmog is not yet updated, but I swap between the two - red/bleck one and actual “Outlaw” outfit which is still somewhat WIP. Farming a few specific pieces.
https://imgur.com/a/IhXvkT9 - Current.
https://imgur.com/a/sqxHVGs - Going for something like this.


Same, while I myself don’t have flashy gear I enjoy basic concepts more than enormous pauldrons and swords. I was aiming for a WC2 style troll but they don’t give you the right shade of green. :upside_down_face:

10/10 I love the color scheme and face shroud!

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Nothing wrong with minimalist xmog if it is themed and on point. 10/10 in that aspect sir! Kudos.

My personal approach to xmogs is 1) look like your class 2) never use more than two pieces from a set 3) match. Just because we are at war doesn’t mean our colors and fabrics should also clash. :slight_smile:

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You look great!

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You look like you’ll tempt me into damnation, but it’ll be worth it.

Since candi has been rated dozens of times already in this thread, rating you. 10/10. I absolutely love that mog. You look like a supervillain of sorts.


If the eyes on the armor and weapons were meant to match your own, that’s an excellent concept to pull off!

Odd for a Shaman, but I like it. 8/10


Well, I’d stop and give you a gander in the street if you walked by. Sort of Robinhood meets heavy metal furry. For the sheer weirdness of it all, I’m giving you a 7 out of 10. :wink:


I’ll give you a 10/10 for putting thought behind your mog~

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I’m not sure what to say as you’re not wearing much but 8/10 for pieces going together and your haircut?

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10/10 I’ve never seen this mog before but I love that its not the typical rogue look! … it also just looks amazing! Good job


Already rated you.

So, instead of someone choosing to skip over me, I’m choosing to skip over myself. Someone rate Redrik please!

10/10. The set really looks menacing.

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Ty both. :purple_heart:

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