Got a professor game hunter vibe going on there. I feel like a broomstick would complete the look better.
Got a professor game hunter vibe going on there. I feel like a broomstick would complete the look better.
9/10, looks like a warrior instead of pally and it messes with my head.
Supposed to be a tinker with the slime pack, haha.
Love those glasses on casters, got to say. 9/10.
9/10 I like it, makes you look like some legion engineer.
You look like a cute little fox pirate who is likely very quick witted and sly, willing to take easy coin by using a deceptively cute appearance. The thin veneer of cuteness makes you seem all the more vicious when you decide to attack your foe.
I do think a sword would be more appropriate, though the axe works fine.
This gave me a pretty good laugh, thanks for the review!
It looks like a hunter, it smells like a hunter, it behaves like a hunter but in reality it’s a warrior in disguise who will throw the gun away and bash your head bare-handed.
and the host of Heaven roared down from the sky and proceeded to smite the unbelievers with their glistening blades and choruses of light
nice angel look
Simple, but bland. Not inherently bad, but also not super exciting.
8/10, love the BC weapon
9/10 I’m a big fan of the purple, it’s sharp and stands out. I would have thought you were a lock, but I love those that go outside the box. Good job!
Omg a filthy Surv Hunter. 10/10
I really dig the neon green thing you’ve got going on, even if I have to question your name choice.
Lol @ the candle. 8/10
You look creepy, 8/10.
10 out of 10.
You look like wonder woman. Well done.
Put the combo together well… though the belt I dont know about… the rest is 9/10
Hmmm. I’ve never seen such a transmog before. It’s quaint. I will give it a 10/10
Everything about it screams troll.
Good work!
(Also I don’t know if it’s a armory error, but my character on WoW armory seems to be missing a shoulder plate. That’s odd)
Lookin like a true blood knight. 10/10
Looks relatively alright, just the textures aren’t my cup of tea.
I have a soft spot for red mogs. They ALWAYS look good. Moy only complain is the robe looks a little plain. 9/10