8/10. I like the bone and horde vibe you’ve got going on.
Disclaimer: my mog is primarily silver because I got an awesome death looking back piece no one on the forums can see xD
8/10. I like the bone and horde vibe you’ve got going on.
Disclaimer: my mog is primarily silver because I got an awesome death looking back piece no one on the forums can see xD
You really should have changed your hair and eye colors, they just clash. I can appreciate the silver mog though; I tried to do one for the new Phoenix mount, but the shoulders cost 160k.
I can’t in good conscious change my hair colour. I’m red headed for life. Maybe the eyes… idk.
Next person rate Candikorn, not me.
Mine either so I’m trying something new.
I’ve already gave Candikorn a 10/10.
That’s fine but you should pick a hair style that doesn’t clip through your helm. I know belves have several options. As for your mog, I love it. Reminds me of my Priest’s mog. 8/10 (10/10 with a hairstyle that doesn’t clip.)
Very savage, very tribal Troll. I really like yours on the same level I like Lazy’s.
Very red, 9/10.
I really like your armor but I don’t think the staff matches. Needs more fel green to match your armor. I would try Blackhand’s Doomstaff green version.
8/10 I like it just not a panda fan.
10/10 love how you look.
6/10 - I don’t know if it looks better in-game, but most of the pieces don’t really seem to match
Awesome mog. Good job. 10/10
I like it. 8.5/10
Before I rate this person (whomever rates me , I am a woman irl and mom never bought me a Barbie Doll , so I’m living my fantasy)
Taliababa i love the fel look to your mog 10/10
8/10, I get why you went with the mog you did, but it just is a bit overdone, but not gonna be too big a jerk about it.
On a note about mine, reason I picked the staff I did, was hoping the green particle effect would match the green particle effect on the shoulders and the gold would compliment the gold accents as well.
It is how they did it in Vanilla, It’s overdone but brings back many memories… In WOD they changed the BE’s appearance and gave them Butt Lifts and fixed their floppy ears. Why cover the changes they made with awful stuffy Mail gear. I wish Hunters could wear leather, but that is not the case… Thanks for you honest opinion they are rare these days.
8/10 your character looks really depressed. Are you okay my guy?
7/10. something about it i don’t like.
I am getting the vibe that you are some sort of scholar of illidari. Maybe a brain, but not a demon hunter. Then again I don’t know if the illidari employs warlocks. Either way. Looks cool. 8/10.
9/10 looking sharp there.
I rated you before, but I swear it isn’t the same look.
The weapon is definitely different and meshes better with the older graphics. I’ll give you a 9/10 this time.