Rate the transmog above you (Part 1)

I am not sure what it is meant to be, but it does look cool either way. I am going to go with 8/10.


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Very Goblin-couture! 10/10, looks great.

I feel I need to hide all my gold! :moneybag:


I love this look. Good job. 10/10



Panda Hunter

9/10 everything matches and looks pretty good

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Very priestly, 9/10

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Very Shadow Council-y

I love it! You’re a little gnome flavoured red velvet cake. 10/10

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Hey, your hat is almost as cool as mine! I like the classic look you’ve got going and the colours are pretty.




Your simplistic mog makes you look like an adventurer ready to explore the lands of Azeroth, which fits a Vulpera Monk perfectly.


36 or possibly 37, good job

Eesh, 1/10.

At first glance, I thought you were entirely in a smattering of leveling gear, but it seems you did that to yourself deliberately. :wink:


To bland but fits your toon well

I don’t get your look.

You’re wearing lime green googles with a… red/gold/white theme armor? Your shirt doesn’t match your pants and your pants doesn’t really match your boots. Yes, the pants and boots have red but the secondary colors are completely different. Your red/black belt is confusing. Then you put this bright blue enchant on your weapon which doesn’t match anything else.

The only good thing I can say is you have a simple, clean mog but I’m not a fan of it overall.


7/10. I’m just really digging that you actually found a chestpiece that matches those goggles. First set I’ve seen where it actually syncs up without another piece in the set.

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7/10 I like the simple look but the shoulders imo don’t really match the set. Over all pretty good though!

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I like the different set pieces, they work well together and nice job matching the glowy effects. You even managed to make those fist weapons work… I always thought they looked cool but could never incorporate them into a look. The look as a whole looks really good on a Draenei guy.

In my opinion this look is 10/10.

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Really dig your Wuxia pirate look.

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Unique look, shoes could be better 8/10

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