Rate the rogue name above you

8/10 that name is pretty roguelike. Mine isn’t, I know.

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9/10 Cute name for a mechagnome. I wouldnt gank ya.

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10/10 made me laugh lol

ur not a rogue, but hanstrollo is epic. 10/10

10/10… a Rogue should never reveal his true name.

I like it 10/10

Solid 10, has a very Ra’s Al Ghul henchmen appeal to it.

Cool name 10.

A rogue is gotta have some fighting skills. 9/10.

Rogues are pretty marvelous. 8/10

10/10 fits rogues completely.

10/10 perfect when they catch a glimpse of your name just before they die.

This is my assassination rogue

If you play ou rcc right, 10/10, have games where the team is like… that rogue kept me ccd all game!

Also, of anyone gets my name reference, please say so below. I was extremely happy I got this name.

This sounds familiar but sadly cant place it. But it’s still pretty cool sounding. Alot like Corvette to me but maybe I’m pronouncing it wrong

Thank you.
If anyone is a fan of the Never Night series (book about assassins) Is the last name of the main protagonist. And yes, you were pronouncing it correctly

Very cool Caexx has two x’s 10/10, The more x’s the cooler you are

9/10 It’s like sexy but with a “z” so it makes it seem more rogue like for some reason lol.