Rate the player name above you

Rate me pls

Cant go wrong with Rigatoni! I’m a fan :+1:

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Acceptable as i like supernatural (early seasons anyway)

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Spa- spa- spagheet. Spooked ya.


Looks like someone likes anime or possibly just a generic game created name.


My name used to be TrentReznor, but then I transferred to Kel-Thuzad.

2/10 makes me think of math

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thanks senyuu, u nailed it

Kinda okay for a name I guess? 6/10… (might’ve been better on a Warrior given it’s meaning?)

I don’t know what it means so I’m gonna go with a mid-tier rating of 5/10 (my mind can be changed)

8/10 i read u are a key component

dangit ok 9/10

Lol barsky for some reason the name made me laugh 8/10

8/10 would Falco again


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8/10 sold name.

I like it! Looking into the origin of Kittsuera. I like Japanese names for Worgens…

An evil priest.
Say it isn’t so!
I like it.

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foot fetish is a thing, 9/10

Do you have a Warcraft sweater… asking for a friend


:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

is it drinking blood or holy blood, asking for a friend 9/10

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