Rate the monk name above you

My alt is above this. sorry it would not allow me to edit or delete it.

If it pronounced Fierymist then 10/10. Very ying and yang with fire and water.

Sounds more Draenei related than monk related, but it rolls off the tongue well enough. 5/10

Mine is an Austin Powers tribute that was too good to pass up. Was the first thing to come to mind after the expansion was announced and I quickly made a toon to save it haha

Ahaha I immediately got the Austin Powers reference. 9/10

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9/10 for the love of the Dark Iron!

 interesting, i like it.

This is me monk, i thought sweetroll was a nice double-pun name for a pandaren monk. She likes eating them, and she looks sweet rolling around =p

Love Sweetroll! 10/10


If you carry me then 10/10 if not 9/10

Hotdog out

7/10 bad name but 7 points because of obvious reason #hotdog

8/10 Idk why but it seems monkish can’t really put my finger on it.

3/10. Doesn’t seem like a name for a character. 3 points for having the word storm inside of it though.

8/10 interresting. Sounds like albert but original nonetheless

Great Troll name, sounds exotic. 9/10

When MoP came out SusanXPress was selling the name “Po” on all realms for $250.00.


Sounds counterintuitive for a Monk. Wisdom is crucial for a Kung fu dude. 6/10

Nowise is a word. It means the opposite of ‘likewise’.

Now who lacks wisdom? :tongue:

Whew! Lesson learned, thank you.

Kung fu dudes should also have humility right? If I didn’t before, I sure do now. Lol.

Nowise 8/10 :wink:

9/10 Skdoosh Kung fu panda

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Sounds Asian, so its at least in the ballpark of monk =)

Great name, working on multiple levels. Strong 9/10.

Not a fan of special characters, never know how they should be pronounced, does have an Asian feel to it tho, I say a 6.