9/10 - Looks good Dulcy. Nice looking set. And I like the helmet you chose more than the one that came with the set.
I’m trying out a variation of my last mog. This one is more complex with different belt, boots, shoulders, cloak and weapons. I’m still leaning towards the simpler mog so will probably go back though.
How do I look now? I changed the weapon and boots.
Also @Shaelyndra
7.5 / 10
looks good and everything matches
But it’s rather plain. The robe isn’t a common one, but apart from that there doesn’t seem to be much there to show creativity or uniqueness. It appears to just be the robe, boots and staff.
I’m kinda picky on mechagnome transmogs… You have to do it just right where you don’t look like any other gnome and you accentuate the mech parts. I feel your robe does that by matching the rusted mech parts. But your shoulders and helm do not. Lose the shoulders and pick another helm or go with no helm and I bet it would look better.
Appearance 9/10
Creativity 5/10
The colors match really well, i’m getting Kadghar vibes. Love the gold trim on the clothes and on the staff. Definitely magey feel for sure. Very simple yet tells others you are packing a punch.
10/10 - great looking set. And the staff matches quite well.
Always liked that set. But I haven’t used it for mogging myself, because I like to see my face. I wish it had an open faceplate instead of hte monster teeth.