Rate the mog above you!

@ Blink 9/10

+1 looks great
+1 not a commonly seen set
+1 everything matches including the weapon
-1 creativity, because a full set was used.

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Thank you, I appreciate and accept the score of 9. :slight_smile:

I do just want to point out however that a full set was not used, I actually used pieces from 3 different sets.

Mage Gear from Legion (Normal) Antorus the burning throne - Boots, Legs, Chest, Gloves, and Back.

Warlock / off pieces from Legion (Mythic) Nighthold and Emerald Nightmare - Shoulders, and Belt (I’m thinking of switching out the gloves that go with this as well, if/when i can get them to drop)

Mage Gear from MoP Mogu’shan Vaults (Heroic 25) - Head

And the Legion PVP Artifact Weapon Skin

I really dig your look. 10/10

7/10. I like the battlemage look but I feel like the chest doesn’t match as well as the other pieces.

10/10 Love the red arcane theme. Sleek and stylish goes with the female orc. Also love the tabard showing the shattered sun offensive. Related to the sunwell. Font of Arcane energy (: 10/10 well done.

I stand corrected. You did not use a full set. Your mog just matches so well it looks like it ought to have been a full set!!! :smiley:

I raise your score to 10/10

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Channeling your inner Sunstrider. I like it 10/10

6 out of 10. Matches, but seems old school generic.


You did a better job with those shoulders than I did. 10/10

Whoops I meant to post that on my Mage :stuck_out_tongue:

8/10 great mog for Arcane, but I would like to see more variety!

9/10 - I absolutely LOVE what you’re going with here. The only issue i see is the purple on the belt doesn’t match the rest of the mog. But other than that, you look awesome my man!

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I know, however, the belt chains actually appear to connect to the armor on the pants. Other than the purple gem, the gold in the mog matches nicely. The night fae moths on the back are the icing on the mana buns!

Well dressed. 8/10.

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7/10 - I dig the ice theme you have going here


10/10 Tmog looks great and fits your spec.


Love the wisened old Kirin-Tor mage look.


ishnu del’ana sin’dorei, ave belore



I like it! Especially your weapon!

7/10 worgen is best left minimal.

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