Rate the mog above you!


Very fancy. Perhaps a little loud for my tastes, but colors all work really well, especially with the red panda.

9.5 / 10.

  • fairly original
  • everything matches
  • looks great with your beard

You look very dashing. Love the colors you used. Good job. 10/10

I recently did a race change but I checked my Armory and it was working. Guess not.

Does this help?

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I don’t know why but I cannot see your mog

5/10 you need less clothes

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2/10 Didn’t know they let female Blood Elves go topless.

Very festive and adorable 8/10

nice plague doctor mage

Purple is my favorite color and I love the armor pieces you put together. However, I don’t get the bright yellow weapon or gold tiara with such a dark look. 7/10

Man, that looks awesome! The cowl suddenly makes your mog look savagely appropriate for an orc. 10/10

Can’t see your mog for some reason but from the profile pic alone I give it a 7/10


Looks great!

  • very stylish
  • original


Only because not my style.

I do love the simplistic look. For anyone who likes this style this easily is at the top


  • highly original
  • whole setup works extremely well together.
  • normally I’m not a fan of mogs that hide the face, but yours just works.

Well done!

It looks like you’re on your way to pliates, if that’s what you’re going for. 8/10

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10/10 Perfect, classic mage look, and the feather is a nice touch. It suits your character very nicely.

About my mog, I often pick mog pieces that are nostalgic to me, and I acknowledge that they don’t always match right by other people’s tastes, but meh.

not a fan of the boots, but the rest of your mog looks alright. 7/10

You look like you just hit 40 back in classic and are just wearing whatever you found

Zayjin I might be doing your mog, but better
(also belt might be untransmogged)

Very good contrast of whites and blacks. I like the choice of shoulderpads, the fluff matches up with the fabric on the pants real well! The hanging buckles of the weapon go with the belt buckle perfectly (surprised you combined it so well!) But the blue hair stands out a bit with the flashy color. I think some tiny sparks of blue somewhere or even some blues and reds in a few spots would compliment it, if you increase the black colors around. Or white hair perhaps.

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