Rate the druid name above you

This is my shaman.


Both the Name and Guild name pair well, but well
you know. 7/10

works well

my guild name may not be updated but im in the mf yeetsquad baby

8/10 for guild theme

0/10 for trying to invite through typing name


Like the name, but better off with Moomoo’s or Kul Tirans ^.^


Not really sure how I feel about the name but all in all a fitting druid name.

It’s unique I like it.


Regarding my name I really just wanted the name Krosan so ofc it was taken, and I added to stupid X.

Krosan forest from MTG universe if anyone was wondering what it meant.

6//10 Does’t really mean anything to me but has a nice ring to it.

Bahh Shammy wrong toon, k here’s my druid.

7/10 could be a hunter name

Hi, I am here to win this contest.

6/10 and druid for life

10/10 very appropriate for a resto druid.

Wocka Wocka Wocka :smile:

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Guardian I’m guessing ?

The names Bourne. Eli Bourne.

9/10 shaken, never stirred.

Its alright. Ill give it a 8/10. Its giving me some lion king feels. Kuna mutata

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I r8 9/10 very balancy druid name

6/10 for the luls, not very original though.

I like it.