Rate the DK name above you

I love how people keep reading yours as eon butt and I keep reading it as eon arnus for some reason. Don’t know where I’m getting the r from.

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Lol, i race changed from human and was named Epicnameless, so i said to myself, hit randomize till it gives me an e name that doesn’t look like what was left on keyboard after that angry German kid finished freaking out, lol

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“EpicNameless” reminds me of my bank alt when we used those “SomeOtherGuy”

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Nice sounding but not sure if it means anything?

Nope. Just something I thought sounded like a female Draenei. But I guess blizz thinks it’s more of a female orc if you consider WoD to be viable.

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6/10. Unless UH then 9/10

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@Baskerville’: Very clever name–me likey. -1 for special character = 9/10.

Clever and unique, 8/10. Would be 9/10 if you were any race other than a gnome.

8/10 love the way it sounds!

9/10 for making me chuckle.

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10/10 because I love Tauren names that make cow jokes.
Had a Tauren druid named Kaopye once.

Feel like youd rather be on a troll, 8/10

9, if im missing something cause i don’t horde anymore…

Anything with an “a nus” is a 10/10 in my book.

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“Grip” and “Free” nailed 100% on DK class fantasy so 10/10


Ludgan, not sure what it means, definitely different 7/10

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Seems legit.10/10.

Glacier cause obvi, face…we all got one.


needs more space goat, too much water


Wouldn’t even try to pronounce that name in Discord. I’d just call you Dora.

Better than Ifartonwaterfalls though.

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had a guild just shorten it to erae

aslo, 7/10, too cold

8/10. It’s 100% an elf name like you’d expect. No real tie to DK as such, but it works for a belf.

There was a time where I kept making DKs and naming them after nonsense words, like Hour, Trill, and Cero. This is the last one I still play from that time.