Rate that transmog x3

Both Orc and Mag’har Orcs have a beautiful physique. If you are familiar with Peg Bundy, you can make your Female Orc look just like her, she was the ultimate man slayer…

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@ Serenitynoel - skippers get skipped.

Not bad, 7/10

My bad. As i stated in another thread i was tired from an ealry PT appt and was not paying very good attention to what i was doing! So sorry for skipping

Lazyeyebobbi- nice Maghar you have there! i give 7/10

Peretta- I like that your eye tattoos are red and match the colors of your mog. BTW thats one eveil looking titanstrike lol (i always used the goblinish looking bow) I give you 9/10 for how you stayed true to original transmog styles (nothing hidden and a nice tabbard) and the colors match from your tatoos to your hair color to your mog colors!!

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@ Serenitynoel

You don’t look like a hunter, which isn’t bad. :smiley: I played an urban ranger once in a D&D campaign so I’d say you have that look going. Not a fan of the Stormwind Boots. The plate armor clashes with the rest of the cloth you are showing. I’d hide them or try something different.


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@ Thorland You look great!! And the beard :heart_eyes: makes it a perfect


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You need a green bow imo to complete tge look 7/10

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I love it! 9/10, the bow fits, but i don’t like it, Armor is insane!
can’t wait to see how it’ll look with new Worgen models

i like that set and the weapon works with it 9/10

this bow fits as well, but i dunno, it feels a bit off

Very well done for a wargen; very savage. I wouldn’t wear it but it fits the wargen/fantasy hunter theme with enough realism to warrent an 11/10.


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@ Agathorn


Looks really good. 10/10

I like the frostwolf hunter thing you’ve got going on, but the weapon kind of clashes with it.

Solid 9/10 though.

I like the light lavender that runs through some of the pieces as it complements the character’s skin tone. Good consistency is style among armor pieces. Shoulders a bit large, but well-done overall.

Looks like a budget aquaman with a cap… 5/10

Not for me, but it does match

The beast is wild and feral! It wears the manes of beasts! 12/10.

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The upper half looks seamless, and matches, but something is lost on the gloves down. Maybe a little too much going on with the massive crossbow and various colored pants and boots. Helmet looks really cool with the Orc tusks though.

Its a full set, with maybe even the cloak but +1 for the bow: 8/10.

Newb here. How do I look at your transmog to judge it?

U click on the portrate then go to profile.

I think you need different gloves and a bow. 7/10