Rate That Mage Mog 3

I wish I could get second hand bottle

1/10 for the long john Fruit of the Looms. You would have gotten 2/10 with a chest wax.

@cosmos. It looks kind of weird on a human male in the armory but I won’t judge that. I like the set pieces and the use of non set pieces. 8/10

Oh my. Your mog is scandalous. I like it. 9/10

Great colours. Looks angry yet pretty. 9/10.

Good colors for Arcane. I like how low the hat sits when viewed in your profile. Solid 8/10

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Hello, I like the dedication to fire. Not a huge fan of night elves look though personally.

I’ll give it a solid 8/10

Fantastic…love the shoulders.


Really solid and screams mage, I like it!

Really like it! Do not see it around all the time. 8/10.

I love your look. 10/10

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10/10 has that oriental fire mage vibe

8/10 only because the staff kinda throws it off for me. Maybe find a different color?

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Yeah, I have the wraithchill enchant that gives it an icy bluish color along with a shimmer but it’s not showing in my portrait.

4/10, it’s basically just a eternal travelers with a chest and I am not a fan of eternal travelers


I really like your look but you need a new belt. 8/10

Gotta admit, I thought that was a full set at first. Probably helps that it’s two Cata sets, but you’ve matched them well, and the Warlords staff is well-used.


Im not a huge fan of the helm, but the color scheme is great. 8/10

what about my mog? :sweat_smile:

Your mog is a bit messy but I think it fits a troll. 8/10