Rastlin, you doing ok?

Woah wait! He got slapped in the face? Tbh actually miss his slap in the face posts :laughing:

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Rastlin is currently recovering from a massive concussion. :laughing:

And, I miss the Sunday posts like many others. Here’s looking to Shadowlands!

I don’t miss him. Nothing personal against the person behind but the constant raider io threads and slap in the face thing was annoying. I was wondering how long until Blizz finally decides to forum ban him.

Rastlin, Lunnaya, Momimfotm, Autoattakk. Forever in our hearts.

The entity in question was a somewhat incoherent, and certainly inconsistent poster of, well, complaints. About everything. To great lengths. None of which were, by the standards of any unreasonable person (or even the average forum-sweller), rational or sensible.

His signature activity was the declaration that “(Fill in the whatever the heck he was whining about today) is a slap in the face!

By my calculations, he had been at the point of his last known posting, slapped enough to wear his facial flesh away completely, smooth most of the underlying skull, as well as grind away most of his anterior mandible from the constant impacts.

So, yeah, that’s what that was.


You poor naive soul, I envy you

whats a rastlin

Yep. Id like to add more but it’s against the ToS.

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i know on the older forums, yes. i myself was two infractions away from the top of the penalty volcano. i also knew of players who were just nasty on my realm forum to get permabanned off the forums, yet continue to play in-game.

i do know that getting an in-game ban will affect forum privileges. but, in my own case, my forum vacations never affected my in-game privileges – i have never had any disciplinary actions prevent me from logging in to play



It’s determined case by case. Generally, if you’re silenced/suspended from the forums, it won’t affect being able to log in to game. It might affect your communication, but I didn’t read it anywhere in the CoC that it would.

Banned however - probably the same, case by case. But some ppl have such a skewed understanding of suspended vs banned that it’d be funny if it weren’t so sad.


My ingame record it’s spotless. But unless you did something extremely heinous. I don’t think you can get banned from both. Typically it’s whatever one got you the infraction.

Yo. Someone mentioned summoning a beast?