Raptor strike

Go to wcl and look how far ahead melee hunter is.

Y’all straight coping.

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And falling due to the classes lack of scaling.

Hunter has always been strong early, and falls off.

We have historical sod data to back this up?

Well it’s a mana user that scales 1 to 1ap with stats. Lonewolf should make scaling better than era and melee Hunter should scale better due to raptor actually scaling. But it’s not going to scale like warriors.

Lmao ANY melee class can also be played by right clicking and going to sleep.

What kind of statement is this? lol

Explain to me how melee Hunter even approaches Warrior skill cap?

It’s very half baked and leaves little room for blizz to work with apart from flat nerfs to raptor. I think they should rework mongoose and make it worth training, that could add some complexity and smoothen out the burst.

There is a slight minigame with flanking stacks, but due to the rng melee hunter has it can largely be ignored.

If they buffed ranged to be useable hunters would still have the most complicated rotation in the game with melee weaving.

You’re gonna wanna check your sources bud. They were within 10 DPS of other classes on average. They weren’t even the best DPS class on average.

You’re talking about the tippy top best parsers in the world, which is anything but average.

Sheesh, do you expect 5 button rotations at level 25? Do you know what game you’re playing?

The denial is real.

This is sod, not era. We have gear and scaling that’s far superior to a level 40 on era. There isn’t going to be a fall off.

Yes the gear is stronger. Which increases the benefits of scaling for all classes. But classes with better scaling benefit more from this. And hunters have horrible overall scaling compared to most other classes and specs.

Pet scaling and runes helped with that. But while hunters scaling has improved from era, so has every other classes scaling.

Thats why ranged hunter is almost dead last right?

They gave melee hunter extreamly strong runes in p2 and gave weak runes for ranged. But melee hunter still does not scale as well as other melee who have quite a few multipliers, haste buffs, etc that benefit their scaling far more than what hunters have. Currently melee hunter is being proped up by the base damage values and the fights being doubly punishing for classes that reply on bleeds and posions, while hunter does not have that effecting their dps output.

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You can’t say this because sod is new, you have no data on how hunter will scale in sod.

Thats why the predictions for how ranged hunter would turn out after 14+ nerfs was correct right? Because we can’t use known information to make an educated prediction. :roll_eyes:

Nerfs aren’t the same thing as scaling.

Current melee hunter would scale better than pretty much anyone yet you’re saying hunter doesn’t scale.


The nerfs caused hunters, who were 3rd place at the end of p1 because of the nerfs, to be near last at the start of p2. It was predicted after all the nerfs that it would cause hunters to be near last by p3/4. So hunters were partially wrong. The fall off a cliff part happened sooner than we thought for ranged hunter. The scaling issue for ranged hunter is actually worse in sod than it was in era. And the data mined p3 runes do not look to be helping with that.

Melee hunter is only strong because they got absolutely broken runes to prop it up this phase. They still don’t scale as well as other melee though. Its the base damage holding it up right now.

You’re comparing ranged hunter to melee hunter. They are not the same. Let me clarify something for you. Neither era nor sod have had their scaling changed. The only thing to change was their rune abilities and a select few spells that they interact with.

You, a melee hunter, are pumping more damage than every class by 20% while being crippled by MC level armored bosses. You, a melee hunter, are pumping VASTLY more damage than a warrior which scales the best out of any possible class. You, a melee hunter, are dominating anyone that it touches. I don’t know how people complain that they can’t close gaps when you’ve got a ranged snare, a ranged trap and a pet that interrupts casting nonstop.

You, a melee hunter, are overtuned. It isn’t fun or exciting. You’re a melee hunter because it’s absolutely busted. I look forward to blizzard nerfing it into oblivion and seeing the melee hunter tears.

EDIT: I forgot they scaled hunter pets to be absolutely broken in p1 and still p2

Vanquisher’s Sword is a 2.2 weapon speed. So is Sword of Serenity. Normalization changes it’s speed to 2.4.

I think it’s fairly obvious there’s some sort of agenda to make hunters and priests the best classes throughout all of SoD. They’re not even being subtle about it.

Hilarious that there’s a conspiracy about raptor strike piercing armor–because it’s literally just that it hits so f**ing hard that you think it’s penetrating armor.

Masterclass on game design, Blizzard. Hats off.


No, im comparing ranged hunter to every other dps spec.

Melee hunter is strong, but will face the same issue of the hunter class. Lack of scaling.

The reason melee hunter is so strong is because blizzard is trying to force hunters into melee. And the gap in dps from melee hunter vs almost every other dps is smaller than what warriors gap to rogues were, and the gap will get amaller as people gear up. Because again, hunters have bad scaling. Melee hunter scales better than ranged hunter, but its scaling is still worse than every other dps spec.

Pets fall off as levels go up. They were always super strong sub 30 even in era.

And they have low scaling. The highest scaling ability was ws lightning breath at ~12% rap. They do have scaling now, but it isnt a lot of scaling.

There is an agenda to force hunters into melee. They did the same thing in legion.

Because blizzards horrible design of putting 90% of melee hunters “power budget” into raptor strike.

But melee hubter doesnt really have any other ability to use right now.