Rank titles - pre-patch

Any official word on if honor earned between today (May 11) and the release of the pre-patch (May 18) will count towards your rank title?

Here you go

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Thanks so much!


bump this b/c some peoples ranks did not update.

yup. my rank did not update on BC but it did on vanilla

My rank didn’t update :frowning:

Yeah that means it probably won’t update in TBC now, it sucks.

I didn’t get mine until monday @ 4am… right before the servers went down a few hours later, It took me logging out for 1 hour for it to finally update.

Mine updated on classic but not tbc as well. I really hope they fix it because this is a huge issue for many of us

Hi all so i got 60 day of patch and managed to get some pvp done and met the requirements to at lets get the base rank just when the tbc server finally came up I had nothing would that be a bug blizzard can fix or did i just get screwed?

I’m really hoping they can fix it. It’s a huge bummer

My rank did not update and also missing all my honor points.

I received a message from a GM ticket I made that said others are having these issues and you need to report a bug. You will not get a reply but they say they will look into it.

I personally think it wont get fixed due to the other issue blizzard has going on right now with servers but either way report the bug to help out.

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