Random Encounter <PvE> <Alliance> Recruiting

Strange. Discord still won’t find you. My battle.net is Azurall#1761

Discord tags are case sensitive. Please apply to the website guys, and I will see from your application if we are a fit for you and vice versa. Be as detailed as you can. Thank you.

Joined the website and applied. Sundown#5932

Bloodsail Buccaneers server? Im name-reserving tomorrow and want to get on the right server

Sounds like a promising guild. I might join you guys but I’m debating on PvE or RP.
I’ll let you know.

Yes. We are rolling on the Bloodsail Buccaneers Server. Only one RP realm so the choice was easy.

Friendly bump for another top notch guild

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Yup. During the stress test we had guild and charter signed in IF rather fast with over 20 of us posing for a pic. Even 3 night Elves joined us for that, myself included, haha.
I def. enjoyed myself being part of the guild. Getting a hold of some ingredients for a lvl 15 +6 stamina food buff together was kinda neat among other things like running Deadmines with a full guild group.
Counting down on the days left before Classic launch =]

Still recruiting, just a quick note
Per guild’s higher ups :3
Please note all applications will be processed as usual, but no interviews will be scheduled between 8/25-8/27 to allow us to get things running in game.


Are you guys still recruiting? I cant find anything recent and the rebuild site seems to be down. Thanks!