Random BG's aren't random enough

I’m sure I’m not the only person who has played multiple battlegrounds over a short time span and seen the same ones come up over and over again. I get that random is random, but I’m sure everyone would welcome a system that enforces a little more variety.


Some people que specific because they don’t care about rewards and a lot of us just fill those other spots.


who’s queueing ashran?!


Mate there is actually gross people that try to premade that trash, go ally side and they spam for people to Join their community.


Ashran’s at least great on Horde, we win it most of the time.


Believe it or not, I have randomly gotten into Ashran twice with a community called Alliance Champs. They had a very clear plan and we won both times. I don’t know if they queue specifically for Ashran or not, but I have a hunch they did.

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Haha, I feel the same way! I wish Eye of the Storm, Silvershard Mines, popped more!

I remember in Legion (for the little I played of Legion), Temple of Kotmogu popped back to back to back. I hated it so much. Felt like it had a 75% chance to pop.

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I had to blacklist it because it popped so much.

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No offense, but the title of this thread and this statement , contradict each other.

I get that random is random, but I’m sure everyone would welcome a system that enforces a little more variety

What you want is not random. You want some kind of shuffle or reservoir sampling algorithm , that tracks recently played battlegrounds and removes them from the source list for a period of time.

I’m gonna guess that Blizzard probably refrains from doing this as it is probably costly to track on the server side. They would have to store some list of values for ever player queueing, and then have some asynchronous job running invalidating that list after some period of time.

It would also make matchmaking take longer.


I’m going to assume you are asking for “Variety” rather than asking for more “Randomization”, more akin to shuffling your jukebox selection.
The random matchmaking system seems to revert to solving to create matchups after a certain amount of time rather than trying to accomodate random placement. it’s kind of a result of the random battlegrounds not having enough players in queue. I think this is reasonable in so far as making matches happen, but yes, it means that we also have less randomness and less variety. This is particularly evident when the system can be played to allow large groups to coalesce by queuing together.

OK, those are very fair points. Yes, I did mean that I’d like to see more variety. It’s just a little frustrating to see the same BG’s over and over again. I’ve seen other people complain about it when we zone into a new game, so I know I’m not the only person who feels this way.

Ashran has always been a battleground that requires a raid leader, but there may be no one that is capable of filling that role.

I wish we could still blacklist :(. I would blacklist new MoP BG, The re-design while it looks like it is meant for Rated BG’s, is terrible for random BG’s.


Yes, I would love more variety. I have an addon that keeps track of what I’ve played, and there are times where I don’t see certain regular BGs for days. I also get EOTS more than any other regular BG. At least I have a decent win rate for that map. I’ve had people claim the opposite is true, but numbers don’t lie, man.

In the 8 times I’ve done Nu-Wintergrasp on this character I’ve gotten offense 7 times.

Which would be fine, except Wintergrasp heavily favors defense over offense.

Maybe some kind of invisible bad luck protection should kick in after you do the same bg twice in a row putting that bg on an internal blacklist for a couple hours, since people queue for specific bgs and it screws everyone elses randoms up

I’d love to see warsong gulch come up more… I think It came up like once out of 30 random battle grounds lmao