that mongoloid doesn’t comprehend that with that analogy the moment you make a mistake for the first time aligning with garbage, you die and the world continues to spin without you.
Not Enough players game ending in 5 minutes
Not enough players game ending in 4 minutes
Not enough players game ending in 3 minutes
Not enough players game ENDING IN 5 MINUTES
experience playing wow is more of an advantage than gear ilevel. brand new players in pvp get dog walked for probably 100 ilvls before they “get it”. even then some are just dps pumpers who rarely cc.
can’t get upset someone has played longer than you.
Not really true I have seen people that have clearly been playing for a long time that don’t play well.
some of them are here right now posting
Are you implying me?
Holy crud….i was reading some of the wall of
Text….not necessary!
Que synchers, dodgers, script addons used to manipulate ques….anyone who participates in this type of stuff are garbage cheating players.
No need for walls of text. No defending it, no minimalizing it…they are cheaters and garbage players.
You keep going on about “scripted addons” or “script addons”. By definition, every WoW addon is scripted. At best, your phrasing is redundant nonsense.
And it’s been explained to you numerous times that addons can only do what the WoW API specifically allows. So you seriously think Blizzard developers put in an API method to manipulate queues?
There are so many valid things to complain about. You really don’t need to make up things to add them to your list.
Buddy you can’t escape the paint brush that labels you a cheater and an abuser of a system designed to hold fair matches. You are a cheater. End of story. Anything you say to try to alter or change that is pointless
Nice attempt to dodge. You say complete nonsense, get called out on it and you simply refuse to respond with any kind of substance at all.
Soul is the new panda.
That’s illogical because the Panda is on your side.
Hahaha! This guy tries the old switcheroo! Cheaters and bottom feeding PvP players!
The old switcheroo of pointing out how the specific thing you said is nonsense. And you’re still dodging.
i dont dodge anyone pal. wanna play with me? lets que up. i wanna see you play
Yet another dodge. Rather than ever address the dumb thing you said that was specifically refuted multiple times, you continue to try to misdirect. You’re as bad as AVM.
Feel free to get off the forums every once in a while and queue BG’s or BGB’s.
that’s not even remotely related to what we’re talking about lol we’re talking about game manipulation and exploiting the matchmaking, also I’ve been playing since vanilla
Just… no. It doesn’t matter how much experience you have when you’re not geared and the other guy is. Systems knowledge only helps on a (relatively) level playing field.
It was a problem previously that Blizzard had to shutdown and stipulate is not allowed and apparently clever programmers found a way around it.
I mean, match maker doesn’t care about fair matches. Otherwise you wouldn’t get EBG’s where one team has 8 healers and the other has 2. Just because Blizzard says the intention is ‘fair’ games doesn’t mean the results are fair games.
The idea you can programmatically manipulate a queue with an addon is incorrect. There are no methods for addons to manipulate the queue. You can Google “WoW API documentation” and see all the methods that are available.
There is plenty to complain about legitimately. Queue manipulating addons is not one of those things.
every player has the same opportunity to gear.
maybe what bgs need is a minimum ilvl requirement.
whats the ilvl difference between max conq and honor 13 ilvls?
how under geared are you going into bgs?
Gearing is equalized. And yes, experience/knowledge is huge.