Thinking we are way overdue for the next Raiding with Leashes. Last one was for Pandaria so its been a minute.
Yes, quite a few people commented on how we didn’t get one this expansion.
I believe our next one would be WoD, so what kind of pets would be nice to see from that xpac?
When you look through the NPC pets in Tanaan, the Master Tamers, & the Garrison, there really aren’t that many models we don’t already have, so they’d have to come up with some new ones. The only one from those areas I think that’d be unique would be a Bleakclaw model, but they’ve been leaning more into the cute design over ‘mature’ looking pets, so I’m not sure if they’d choose that one.
We could get a mini Xhul’horac , and they could lean into the Iron Horde look for a few, like maybe some kind of Iron Wolf Pup with little armor plates. I also like Gorefiend’s model from Hellfire Citadel. Pretty sure we don’t have anything like Tarlna the Ageless, either.
A lot of the assets in WoD have been used, but there are certainly unique ones to be found, so I hope the next RWL brings us some pretty cool pets.
Last one we got was in Legion not Pandaria