Raiding Expectations for the Holiday Season

Thank you captain obvious
because mythic raiders will clear the raid in 1 day

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Yep. Needless necros always find a way to trick you into something.

Um, no. With necroing something this old, and with people having the tendency to not only ignore OP dates and not read things through - it’s going to be confusing to some, at best.

Should have started a new thread and linked this one rather than casting /resurrection.

blame the guy who originally necro’d this then

The world first race will be done before 16 days. People can take 2 days off to have christmas etc and not raid on a video game. Get over yourself and quit acting like a year ago when this post was made there was a global pandemic going on that changes literally everything.

sure bud
keep clearing LFR and you’re opinions really matter

I did, but then ye jumped on me. Now, get off ye bloody warlock!

Ah yes. “Im not capable of coming up with a retort so im going to insult their raid clear.” I do more than lfr, but nice try. Have fun raiding in your mothers basement on christmas :christmas_tree:

your opinion is trash and you should just stop