Raider IO Elitists have perverted the spirit of this game

Yeah I remember the good ol’ days when just running some mythic (not M+) dungeons or pugging a raid didn’t come with so many arbitrary barriers. Those were the days when the community was healthier and people weren’t looked down upon with disdain unless you were trying to get into the best guild on your server.

Those were the days man…those were the days.

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It’s a system where you need the help of others to bypass the levels that are not useful to you. And those in the system won’t help because they are often progressing their own keys. The system by it’s very design creates these divisions in the community. Not a IO problem so much as it is a flaw in the concept of keys.

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I began to see it when Cata was out. I’ll never forget being in Org and seeing some guy looking for members to run Dragon Soul and saying “must be geared to my standards” and just about everyone was laughing at him.

While he technically was not doing anything “wrong”, it was undeniably one of those “yikes…” moments.

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Oh look its another priest complaining about io

I remember people were doing that for Heroic Halls of Origination on Mal’Ganis…and it wasn’t even people from the top guilds at the time. Just people taking what should be a fun game waaaaaaaaay too seriously. You’re right, it started then…and here we are like almost 10 years later and that mentality has seeped into the minds of everyone who plays the game.

Preach has put out a good video explaining his experience in getting the M15 achievement on a fresh account. He noted M0-2 was highly toxic and for some reason soon as you go to M3+ things get better.

M0 just isn’t worth your time. Period

Where are you downloading your addons?

I don’t know what preach is. I only did M0s because that’s all I could get into. Somebody did mention that it’s close to the end of the expansion and that many are only looking to invite people who are in max gear, if that’s the right way to say it? And I got the addon itself from it’s own website because it was the first that came up in my search results.

I’ll take “Things That Never Happened” for $400, Alex.

A 450 resto druid getting declined for 14 Mythic+2 groups. Haha, no. The fact that I can roll up on my hunter or mage, low item level DPS, and instantly join a group when DPS are a dime a dozen, only means that either A) this never happened, or B) you aren’t telling us something pretty substantial.

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I mean, I agree with the frustration of having to do EVERY dungeon. If it were up to me, I’d never do SOTS, WM, probably Siege. Ever. But obviously they need to be done if you don’t want a crippled RIO score. The addon already displays your best run for the relevant dungeon specifically, but I don’t know how much attention people really pay to that. If per-dungeon data was the marker that people typically used rather than overall score, it would probably be in a better place.

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I mean find a guild, or community to run them with. You have lots of ways to get to what you want. But instead you put the blame on other people. When if you took some time you could get what you want.

The pug scene is probably hard. But guess what you don’t have to pug. Also that’s someone else’s key and they can choose who they want to attempt that key with. You can also get your own keys and do the same thing. This woe is me crap is getting really old.

I do not pug ever. An addon is not preventing you from doing things in a video game. You are.

Good morning. No, that’s all there is to tell. I wanted to make sure I mentioned everything so that somebody can help me figure out where the disconnect is. I hold no ill feelings towards anybody despite all the things I read in these threads. I’m not a fan nor a hater. I just want to progress and get some better gear and hopefully complete the raid before the end of the expansion.

And I’m still calling BS. 450 item level resto druids do not, like ever, get declined for 14 Mythic+2 groups. It’s just never going to happen.

I personally wouldn’t have thought a healer would get rejected like that either but I’ve read some others who seemed to have similar problems. I’ve seen it with both healers and DPS but I’ve not seen it for tanks. I normally play feral but I chose to switch to resto to try getting more invites and for faster queues in dungeon or raid finder. I could switch to guardian and see what happens but I’ve never cared for that spec and while I don’t “mind” resto, I don’t really want to play something that isn’t fun just to progress.

Cool, still never happened.

I don’t understand? Did I miss something?

I guess so.

Yeah, most of the time it is not recommended but some end up going through it to at least put a noticeable dent in their score when they struggle.

While I wouldn’t think someone would have to do this, it’s recommended due to the way things are. Without the system being a random finder, it’s similar to how vanilla was when you wanted to progress in more challenging content, you had to go with other means to find groups.

No you didn’t. He’s trolling by trying to pretend you’re lying or something. Don’t even take the bait.

Your group gets 5 keys, no? So it is unlikely that all five of them will be dungeons you dislike.

Why don’t you ask for a different way of obtaining keystones rather than get upset at people who are just trying to do a good job with their dungeons? You might find that you and the so-called “elitists” have much in common. You both hate the RNG keystone system.

Because he is. His story has even changed:

Also, kind of strange for someone to have raid achievements from BFA, take a break, come back, and suddenly not know about RaiderIO when it’s been around since before BFA even launched.

I’m a sane casual. I know that there is nothing at all wrong with io. It’s YOU that’s the problem. YOU have to have a victim complex because you think every time you’re denied into someone’s group it’s a personal attack against you and mean ol’ io is at it again.

Just stop. If it’s not io it WILL be something else.