You’ve been keeping track of raider io posts for the past year? Now it makes me wonder if all of them are just you posting on different characters.
um raider io is pretty pointless unless you push past 16s yet somehow i think when your making your keys you look for the highest io. wierd how it works like that
Agreed OP.
Back in the day we used to give people a chance, talk to them, help teach them if necessary, and maybe even make new friends and build our networks. We don’t do any of that now and just judge people based off some arbitrary number.
If you like RaiderIO, that’s fine, but I don’t want to hear any complaining about the games lack of community, as stuff like that is a direct cause of its loss, and you’re perpetuating that with programs like RaiderIO.
So that was a freakin lie.
Your tinder date is gonna see your IO and dip. If you can’t press your buttons right in game how are you gonna know how to press her buttons right?
Oh, sweety. Youre flailing around while people just point and laugh…
Imagine getting this mad over a video game.
Does your tinder profile also show you with foam around your mouth?
Aww atleast try to come up with a coherent insult op. You can do it.
My favorite things are:
Having a nice cup of joe in the morning
walks on the beach
and raging on Blizzard forums so hard I dehuminze people for playing at a higher level than myself.
Lmao at you parrotting Ion Hazziokostas. You really think of yourself as “playing at the highest level”. That’s hilarious and sad.
It’s a video game, your skill doesn’t matter.
Really done this time, you made my night, BFA has come full circle for me now.
I’m always curious regarding where along the ‘skill spectrum’ an elitist player lies. Is it a simple threshold beyond which yields irrefutable proof that one is an elitist? Or maybe it’s a sliding scale? Partial elitist, like a larval stage elitist?
Is it relative to one’s own perspective? Or is it an absolute?
How hot does your girl get when you show her how angry you get on a video game forum?
“Oh baby, you’re so sexy when your gnome avatar is frothing mad that he can’t get into his cartoon dungeons.”
The only people who would possibly take that long to fill a dps slot are those looking to push +25 or higher keys. And they aren’t going to invite someone with 435 ilvl anyway…addon or no addon.
People who get this mad over the forums have the same energy as people who punch holes in their drywall.
He’s probably doing that right now, God I hope he’s thinking of me
I really hope that one day someone I kick or decline will come to the forums and have a tantrum.
I’d frame the forum post on the wall, especially if they name and shamed me on the forums.
One of my fondest memories in WoW is camping someone so hard on Timeless Isle that they sent me like three pages of incoherent rage.
I wonder if I still have the screenshots from it.
Edit: Couldn’t find it. Found this one in my screenshot folder which gave me a chuckle.
You know who this affects the pug players. If you play in the pug world you got to play with the pug rules. Ima just sit here in my guild and do my mplus without ever worrying about io cause we don’t use it