Raider IO Elitists have perverted the spirit of this game

We vampires are superior to everyone :sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses:

Lord harkon taught me this.

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Firstly, you’re barking up the wrong tree. The fact you get keys you don’t want to do is not the fault of an add-on.

Secondly, there’s plenty of group leader’s who don’t ask for score or have any insane requirements. I see them every time I look for keys to join. Although Interestingly enough, those groups are far less likely to succeed.

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Haha oh boy stop projecting.

I don’t even pug keys, yuck, no thank you.


My IO isn’t even that high. lol Also I join LFR Nzoth for fun to help out. Kinda barkin’ up the wrong tree on this one pal.

it’s simple logic, to put time in WoW, you have to take that time out of your life. Not projection, the elitists have no lives.

You are still subbed (way to insult yourself)

Raiderio is pretty much useless 15 under

What proof do you have people are using your raiderio score to decline you “none”

You just keep posting the same dribble over and over.


Damn, and here i thought you would put some more effort in, but you just burn it down…
Well, you can check the other rio threats where people gave it a better try.

I’d definitely decline you on the spot for your attitude that’s for sure. Don’t feel like bringing somebody into a dungeon that’s going to blame others all the time.

Woes is me the elitists are stopping me from joining keys, please oh please Blizzard, please help me… :frowning:

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At this point I’m almost sure people that think raiderIO elitists have some secret organisation hell bent on making “casuals” life hard are the same people that think the royal family are lizard people


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They could just be good at the game. You know you get more score if you’re skilled enough to do higher keys consistently right?

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But this is true for any activity in WoW. Are you saying that in order to get more out of the game you have to put more in?


well…with quarantine, there is nothing to do right now anyways


I guess I don’t have a full time job and only get 2-3 hours of free time a day then.

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I just do M+ with friends, problem solved. Everyone has the right to invite who they want to THEIR keys. Raider IO just helps to pick out people who are competent because ilvl alone doesn’t equate to skill most of the time.

I don’t use Raider IO myself but I understand why people use it so much.


People are not inviting me to their high keys. I better call the BBB.


Gave me a chuckle.


You’re a very angry person. Does short man syndrome apply to people who play gnomes too?


I have like a 130 score. I must be a rockstar IRL.


Nah. RIO doesn’t exist because systems like the M+, as well as Corruptions and Titanforging have made players character progression worthless as a metric of their own skill and thus a metric that actually measures experience is necessary to make a decent pug.

It exists because we just like having a system that lets us deny people.

Every time I decline someone’s application to my group, I post a picture of it in the secret Discord and we laugh at the stupid noob.

Edit: Oh crap I shouldn’t have said RIO was a joke.

Edit: Edit: Oh crap, I shouldn’t have said there was a secret discord.

Edit: Edit: Edit: Oh crap, I certaintly shouldn’t have said we laugh at the stupid noobs.

Edit: Edit: Edit: Edit. Ahhhhh…It’s too hot today.


David Lee Roth is that you?

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