Raid Lockout Error?

Was there an error on the lockout system? My guild ran Gnomer @530pm PST yesterday - and upon logging in - right now - it says I have a 1d 22hr lockout? Is this normal? My confusion is real - Please let this be an error…


They decided last minute they wanted to change the lockouts. So anyone who did it last night got shafted and is losing a lockout unless they hot fix it.

Because the raid resets on thursday bro.

Same here, I had a 12 hour warning last night in raid and now today the lockout is cracked

I’m not your :bro: - also - everything is suppose to reset…on RESET…

And reset is on thursday bro.

They said reset would be the first 2 Tuesdays of the phase.

They lied.

You literally couldnt lie any harder / make up anything more than you are with this post. Straight scum.

It was reset today, the problem was they didnt realize changing the lockout from 7 to 3 back dated the lockout to yesterday. Its the first time theyve done it. It happens.

I raided friday, i can raid today just fine. Reset today as promised it would.

I dont care if I lose this lockout but I want my damn parses back.

They are all showing 0s for everyone!

This is outrageous!

How is that a lie? They decided the night before maintenance to change the lockouts…

They told us WEEKS AGO. The first two weeks would be week long lockouts, then on 2/20 it would swap to three day lockouts. This was not “decided last minute” you making it sound like they made that change yesterday or this AM when they woke up lol

All good, people raiding right now are getting shafted by the server going down and instance being now bugged

If you raid right after a patch… it is your own fault … 20 years, should know better…

Hasn’t been a problem all of SoD nor in Era since 2019 relaunch.

But, sure, thanks.