Raid difficulty at 60

I’m hoping they actually do this but I’m afraid it’s going to be SoM 2.0 with added mechanics and huge difficulty increases in well known and established raids.

It’s definitely a tricky thing to pull of with all the runes we have.

I hope they error on the side of making the raids easier rather than harder. We should be able to complete all classic raids with any group comp as they state, just like in 2019.

MC being 20 man is kind of a let down after telling us in interviews multiple times it would be 40 man.

SOM was fun unlike SOD casual needs to stop crying.

They are designing SoD for casuals. You seem lost.

The mission statement for SoD is to get more casuals to play.

20 man MC is the best announcement they have made to date.


That is your opinion. Every raid past MC is 40 man still.

Not sure why MC needs to be 20 man. Seems odd.

I’m guessing its easier to make it a 20 man rather than buffing/retuning the raid to match the power creep thats happening with runes and new items. MC in its Vanilla state would be steamrolled in 10 minutes flat otherwise.


This part at least makes me hopeful they may rebalance AQ and Naxx so that PUGs will have hope of clearing them.

PUGs easily cleared NAXX in 2019 man, every single week.

With the runes it will be steam rolled with 40 players.

The minority of players want 40 mans. Mainly the players who never had to put a 40m together want them. There’s a reason it was killed off in the 1st expansion. 40s are bad.


Dude, it took forever to get gear in MC 40 man. 20 man will let us gear faster.

Better drop rates compensating level of difficulties

that also isn’t set in stone.

they’re literally telling you they’re doing the opposite… are you calling them liars? :expressionless:

A lot of the pro 40m posters just don’t seem to grasp the fact that SoD is not near the population of Classic '19 or they are willfully ignorant of the consequences from it.

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I played SoM which was comparatively very tiny, still had zero issues doing 40 mans.
You don’t like 40 mans because you are not good at recruiting.

lol wut? no

But actually yes. Because of the crying on these forums.

That’s news to me but glad to hear if true. I was in a speed running guild back then and I don’t want to keep that kind of schedule/stress

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Yes actually. So see you are lost. Welcome to reality. This game is specifically designed for casual players.

Go read the mission statement again because you either haven’t read it or you forgot.

I hope its hard.

I love seeing era players in shambles because they cant do 3 mechanics while they stare at their action bars to click their abilities.

he said “soda and pretzels”, not “pants on head”.

Yea full world buffs full consumes 300 pots to pug… you shouldnt need any of that to kill a boss