Raid cinematic is out

It’s not pathetic but it’s really obvious that you regularly use your identity as a rhetorical weapon to shut down debate, intentionally or not.

And you have yet to realize that nobody else here is fighting the same culture war by way of World of Warcraft that you are, because nobody here is taking lessons on moral virtue from Activision-Blizzard and they simply don’t want their escapist MMO cartoon show to actively try to remind them of real world problems.


It would’ve been easy:

  • Garrosh is to be taken back to Vampire Purgatory
  • Accuser allows Garrosh and Thrall to have a conversation
  • Garrosh says he doesn’t regret anything and his choices were his own, and what he said to Thrall was a lie in a moment of desperation
  • Thrall is relieved of guilt

I know enough from your takes.

Blocked <3


And here we see the typical response from those who use identity as an argument when faced with someone who won’t bend to them. Avoidance. Again, pathetic.

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Nobody has said anything to that effect beloved

That ship sailed with “genocide” thrown into the canon and dev-speak


lol remember when the horde was killing those parents in front of the kids, lol not showing real world problems, ha


The Jailer’s MMO with Sylvanas actually had an element of free will within it. He gave her leeway to try and convince Anduin to their cause until he felt the time had came to solve the matter by force under the justification that it was for a greater purpose.

Where as in that moment, the Sylvanas witnessed her ally use domination magic against Bolvar, Thrall, and Jaina just because he could and outright declared that all would serve him. In that moment Sylvanas realized that she herself was included in that all and her choice from him was an illusion. Plus the revelation that she was left ignorant of Nathanos’ death, and seeing Jailer’s discard long term allies like Mueh’zala and Denathrius probably didn’t help matters.

Granted it doesn’t make it all any less disappointing.

Meanwhile the Jailer entered the portal at the end with Anduin just reminded me of that moment in Bleach when Aizen into Soul Society after defeating the Captains and made me wonder who among the cast is going to be Ichigo in this scenario.

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Hm. Maybe that would’ve been a better way to tell the Thrall’s story. To think about it, both were in Torghast. So by accident having such conversation could’ve been what allowed Thrall to get back his shamanistic powers.

Currently it looks like “oh, I just can cast lightning again”.

But this way there could’ve been the narrative explanation for why that is, and offer at least a partial closure to the story.

Still would lack Jaina-Garrosh part. Still a simple reordering of events might’ve turn the story into something more coherent. And actually having a “moral lesson” that devs do like to mention.

gl hf


You know what also could’ve been cool?

Daelin next to Garrosh.

A “Problematic Fave™” saying “For the Alliance” same time as Fascist-Junge-Metaphor Garrosh refuses to apologize

So Garrosh and Daelin both die screaming unapologetic



The only necessary lesson to learn from a game is how the gameplay mechanics work, which can be done in World of Warcraft without looking into the story.

So, you don’t have an argument. Nice. I can’t imagine the nightmare reality people live in when their entire being revolves around their ethnic identity as it obviously does with you.



Here’s a short reading list:

  • Calleja, Gordon. In-Game: From Immersion to Incorporation. MIT Press, 2014.
  • Corneliusen, Hilde and Jill Walker Rettberg. Digital culture, play, and identity: a World of Warcraft reader. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2008.
  • Fine, Gary Alan. Shared Fantasy: Role Playing Games as Social Worlds. University of Chicago, 1983.
  • Harrell, D. Fox. Phantasmal Media : An Approach to Imagination, Computation, and Expression. MIT Press, 2013.

You never read a book, or watched a movie before? Not even a cartoon?


I am not sure in which direction would this story be better taken:

  • more somber criticism of the devs dragging WoW into W2 era of “orc bad” and in general “orcs vs. humans is the core of the game” of pre-W3 era.
  • something to show the absurdity of the story with them acting like the characters in:

gl hf

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I think that there’s a difference between using things that everyone agrees are universally bad (mass murder) as an easy means of creating an inciting incident to facilitate drama, and making WoW yet another front in the endless ongoing American culture war that everyone is freaking sick of after the past 4 years.

Granted, the playerbase itself doesn’t help much in this regard if all the whining about the new human customization options from idiots indicated anything, but most people ignore them for the same reasons that I’m giving right now, which is that they’re sick of all the political screaming, especially in their leisure time.


I have a degree in Simulation and Game Development. I know about these topics.

Books, movies and cartoons aren’t video games.

The problem, my dear Ainhin, is that “genocide bad” is not even the case right now.

Given the dead night elves in Ardenweald are part of some master plan of Elune.

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Great then you know should know about the play-as-teaching theories and the magic circle of gameplay theories to know you are wrong and lessons are intrinsic to gameplay

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Theres no left or right with sylvanas, genocide is bad and girl hitler needs to pay for her crimes, thats it