Raid cinematic is out

The fact remains there are problems with the story the devs are ignoring.


“I’m a Gold Medalist in the Oppression Olympics. Blizzard needs to Listen to ME!”
Honestly Pathetic.


How is this?

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I mean, Golden is a weird target of this kind of accusation.

She correctly put her finger on the similarities between Orcish culture and certain fascist regimes. I won’t link it here, but it’s hard to watch the classroom scene from “Education for Death” after thinking for a moment about Warcraft and not seeing at least the Warcraft 2 ideology - and she presented this comparison as a criticism.

She shouldn’t have doubled down on that, fair, but it just seems weird to accuse her of all people of being a fascist.

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You know I would write how I am disappointed, how the entire thing is trash and everything…but to be perfectly honest I felt nothing when watching the cinematic. I knew it was going to be terrible, and it was even worse than what I expected but still…nothing.

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Bad example. Peppers and beans are North amerindigenious indigenous, rice and beef are Asian, tortillas are Southern Amerindigenious.


Yup and yet instead of a teaching moment to reflect that maybe the story is mishandling genocide it was a swerve lol

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Personally I think that the name “Baalsamael” is a pretty problematic one, as it trivializes the Levantine/Canaanite belief system that was fundamental in shaping the Abrahamic religions that billions practice today.


What is yikes about it? It’s the truth. You are pathetic.


Baal, you’ve lost your mind.


I’m not actually but bless your heart.

Nah Blizzard has lost the capacity to write any sort of coherent lesson you can walk away from during gameplay

Which is kinda one of the basic elements of a game

Some sort of lesson or dynamic

The lesson is that omnicide is bad (but fun as heck) hth

Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better, but anyone who uses their real life identity to cry about a video game story that doesn’t refer to real life races in any meaningful way is categorically pathetic.


The fact you’re going out of your way to defend the harassment by trying to spin it as some lesson she needs to learn is pretty yikes.

So you think it’s pathetic for people to expect a meaningful story in-game of the races based on our cultures? lmao

Harassment is bad and should be ignored, as I’ve stated repeatedly.

Energy and time should not be spent to engage with and reply to harassment.


I would say that you never know, things well go down during that last convenant campaign that was encrypted, but lets be real blizzard is gonna drag this sylvanas stuff till wow is dead

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random thoughts about the Garrosh "conclusion"

Well, what started as me saying that the outcome of Garrosh is better than Sylvanas, because (among other stuff) the devs are terrible at stories including redemption, and the concept of Revendreth where a kid goblin could be found is really odd with some problematic implications, so Garrosh denying both flawed things seemed like something positive.

After thinking for a bit, I am not even sure what would they do with his story if he would not be free from the mess it is.

iirc Garrosh became warchief, Thrall just packed his stuff and left, Cairne tried to kill him (mak’gora), and Vol’jin outright threatened him. But all of those things were dismissed and Garrosh did what he did because he’s orc…

Garrosh. The character who had a small but some story arc in WotLK and the chat with Varok. Which seemed like this stepping stone to his future story.

But no, we got the Stonetalon part called a mistake. And he’s and orc. What else is needed?

I think that the actual reason for why such arc was chosen might be because otherwise Thrall might have to face that his actions could cause problems. That Jaina with her drowning attempts might be the actual something related to how Thrall and others behaved.

How would they handle it? Well, Garrosh not being out of the story, would mean also that his statement to Sylvanas about her doing shady stuff would stand true. And he would meet Jaina. Which is the meeting they avoided in WoD. Would it be like what they did with the BfA reminder of the Purge?

It’s one of those stories that reveal more and more about the problems hidden.

Kind of like the fact, that there are no night elf kids among the saved souls in Ardenweald, which might mean who was turned into the Tortured Amalgamation

gl hf

Then you’re trash dude. Authors who base their fiction on real life peoples and their culture are stewards of those peoples and cultures. Creators have a responsibility both to their creations and its community but also to the sources from which they were inspired.

Otherwise that’s just culturally irresponsible.


You don’t know me.

Says who?

No they don’t.

Made up concept with no basis in reality.


Even taking everything you said about your suffering and perceived suffering at face value, that doesn’t mean anyone who’s suffered less than you can’t be right and you can’t be wrong about things.

Collective guilt is not a healthy outlook (I know I said something like that with the Mag’har but I was wrong, there are other issues with them but they can’t all be blamed for the Iron Horde). It’s like blaming all Christians for the Crusades, all Muslims for ISIS, all atheists for Stalin, all African people for Idi Amin or all Austrians for Hitler (Hilter might have ruled Germany, but he was born in Austria).