Raid cinematic is out


Given this was their literal defense of Teldrassil, yes.

IMO, it’s definitely they latter, and possibly the former.


I’ll say it. Danuser’s trying to hurt certain people with this current story development. The question is who.
People who don’t like Sylvanas?
People who supported WoW over his other work?
Past WoW developers?


I don’t know, but I’m pretty sure if that if there was a “dev hate” bingo card, Night Elves are the free space.

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Trump got paid by his realty companies and used his money to campaign for becoming president, he did and people whined for years.

afaia he worked on a few projects all of which failed in one way or another

Originally I thought his “what’s cool” was the main BfA problem. Turns out, it wasn’t the main problem.

IMO it’s a more system / corporate culture problem nowadays. And given that more or less all ex-blizz devs who I saw giving interviews claimed the “suits” did not interfere in the process usually, it’s not even the problem from activision, it seems.

gl hf


The average WoW audience member wouldn’t know who the writers are to send the the death threat to. No, the average WoW audience member that you’d see on social media (including these forums) is inclined to be negative-oriented.

So if someone is reaching out to someone on the team, it’s usually safe to assume their default state is going to be negative-minded and vitriolic. Someone who’s enjoying themselves likely wouldn’t go as far as to look up who they are and reach out to them in most circumstances.

Golden’s feed has been filled with death threats, sexual assault threats or people calling her a N@zi lover ever since the cinematic went live.


It’s mind-boggling. Even people who are clearly smart enough to know who does what at Blizzard still get it wrong.

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I mean, with Twitter you might want to mind the base rate. I’m just wanting to confirm that you don’t believe that the average WoW audience member is sending death threats.


If most of the people accusing Christie Golden of X, Y and Z were correct she’d have the most diverse skill set at Blizzard.


I think it’s weird all the narrative problems involved in having a fascist-metaphor who Golden claimed became fascist because of his racial disposition and thus being the “Orciest Orc” suicide bombing unapologetically are being ignored

Personally if I’m being harassed and also being criticized I ignore the harassment, report and move on, and address the criticisms and see if they have validity.

Just me!


Do you mean by the devs or by the community?

gl hf


Content Creator: Hey Ion, conduit energy sucks.
Ion: We know it sucks, but we’d do it again. :slight_smile:

Playerbase: Hey this story is kinda bad, at the very least extremely problematic given the themes of fascism and genocide and suicide bombing and more.
Harasser: *harasses *
Writers: *choose to only acknowledge and reply to the harassers *

Okay word.


Your suggestion is that the criticism and the harrasment are equal.

They are not.

No one (maybe a few people) cares about Garrosh. Sorry to burst your bubble.

The devs are definitely being attacked by unhinged folks whose one desire in this world is that a fantasy character be killed off in a gruesome and violent way that was never going to happen.


To think about it, it kind of ironic how the people who are acting in a questionable manner with threats and such, might be a way for the devs to avoid such questions.

Oh my. The Shadowlands is the gift that keeps on giving.

That might be a strong statement. I remember a lot of resentment when the Stonetalon part of his story that seemingly implied he learned something from Varok, was claimed to be a mistake.

They are and it’s not good. But given that they make their choices all while having all the possible info about the reaction to such actions, I fail to see how it would be surprising. They chose to go where the players asked them not to. A bit odd to be suddenly surprised / upset now.

gl hf

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Yeah I’m sure they’re thrilled.

They do that all the time to deflect from criticism, I’ve noticed that for a long time. You see it continually on twitter so they don’t have to address any actual criticism, just trying to lump everyone who doesn’t like it with one or two harassers. It’s not just in wow either, it’s with a lot of game devs do this especially when the fail to deliver something, they try to turn it around on the players.


The tweets are public, hers and Gregory and the writers. Only a few hundred replies, easy to parse through, usually very short. And twitter even groups them all up at the bottom of the replies, usually under “read more” depending on your settings, because they’re harassment.

Wanna guess how many people actually are harassing them? Total number of hate tweets at them today? I’ll give you a hint: it’s a small number lol

The dev a few days ago that called Asmongold a hole did, indeed, get hundreds of death threats, got locked out of his bank account because people tried to steal his money, and more.

Nobody cares about the story dude.


Nope, you’re better than this. Self-delete please, rethink it in the morning.

Do not defend toxic behavior just because a story didn’t go the way you wanted.



Defending and understanding things is not the same.

Harassment etc. is counter productive.

But, I can see them walking into the wasp nest by choice. Choice that was not necessary.

Statements are not mutually exclusive.

gl hf

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Everything you say before the word “but” is meaningless. No one should harass the devs. Period. End of story.