Raid cinematic is out

So what you want but Garrosh went out like he should have. He probably got the least attention from people like Danuser and Golden and that meant he got the best ending his fans could have hoped for.


If you think this is based of Japanese Comics and not garbage like The Avengers I don’t think you’re really paying attention. These are a bunch of Western Idiots who only focus on Western Media. This was inspired by End Game not MHA.

So how about I cheer and express my joy at the death of Garrosh?

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u do u bruv

That would be a worse outcome, we still have an incomplete half Slyvanas that would lead to a repeat just with a different side.

Mor is online.

But I won’t. I was making a point. I found Garrosh a love-to-hate type character and a pretty good villain even though there was wasted potential.

I want to point out that Danuser tweeted about the cinematic “stirring the hornets nest”, before it became available. He knew people would dislike it and he went through with this story anyway. Much of the time we believe that Blizzard is out of touch. This is an example of a lead developer knowing how people would react and purposely creating it to the detriment of the audience. Danuser should be fired.


I didn’t mind the cutscene personally. I wasn’t expecting Sylvanas to die. The Jailer’s new model is so much better than his original one.

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Imagine spending hundreds, if not thousands of dollars waiting for this moment.


You know

A wiser man would’ve had this experience and thought “this is an omen, I have made a mistake”


On the other hand, he works for Blizzard and no one else here does. He must have done something right, no?

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I mean really the fact he went outside to set something on fire and was confronted by hornets just… I just…

Blizzard is just the Revendreth of Game Studios


It’s almost as if Danuser is a rabid Sylvanas fanboy deliberately spiting those who don’t like her.


That is located in an ivory tower, safe from all the “haters”.

Considering the average WoW audience member can never be satisfied and the default is blindly sending death threats, there’s always going to be a hornet’s nest.


Hang on, are you saying here that the average WoW audience member is sending people death threats?

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He’s making the story like this on purpose. I’m not sure why, maybe perhaps he’s angry that WoW has been more successful than Everquest, he might have a grudge against someone that was a Blizzard employee, but the thought process for story creation shouldn’t be about the resolution getting people angry. I can understand if it’s for the satisfaction of a particular set of fans, but this satisfies no one. If anyone at Blizzard is sabotaging the game it’s him. The only other explanation I can think of is that they’re still going with the thought process that any emotional reaction to the story means that it’s good which, excuse my ableism, is a mentally handicapped way of thinking.

He made friends with people in the video games industry and used those connections to work his way up. Straight nepotism.


I hate Sylvanas and certain story arcs, but it’s wrong to wish harm on the creators over their fiction (even if a few of them are jerks about, it like that dev who mocked Asmongold on Twitter).


Whatever it is, he’s being paid by Blizzard and everyone here is stuck whining on the story forums.

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